
Résultats de recherche

Rural Business Development Programme
République de Moldova  
novembre 2012
In the process of facilitating post-independence economic transition in Moldova, IFAD provided relevant and timely interventions in identified bottleneck areas of rural business development. The...
Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project
novembre 2012
The IFAD-supported Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project achieved positive results, having overcome a slow start-up and initial difficulties with the flow of...
Community-Based Rural Development Project in Kampong Thom and Kampot
octobre 2012
The objectives of the Community-Based Rural Development Project in Kampong Thom and Kampot in Cambodia were to increase food production and farm income and increase capacity of the poor to use the...
Programme de relance et de développement du monde rural
octobre 2012
Évaluation de la performance du projet L'examen par les pairs du Bureau indépendant de l'évaluation du FIDA et de sa fonction d'évaluation, effectué en 2010 par l'Evaluation Cooperation Group...
Langues: English, French
Viet Nam Country Programme Evaluation
Viet Nam  
août 2012
IFAD-supported country programme in Viet Nam focused on support to decentralization, investment in small-scale infrastructure, market integration and microfinance. Satisfactory results were...
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
juillet 2012
Background and introduction The Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD conducted a country programme evaluation (CPE) in Ghana in 2010/2011. The CPE had two basic objectives: (i) to...
Viet Nam Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point (2012)
Viet Nam  
juillet 2012
Background and introduction The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) undertook a country programme evaluation (CPE) in Viet Nam in 2010-2011. This was the second wide-ranging, strategic...
IFAD’s direct supervision and implementation
juin 2012
This first evaluation synthesis report issued by IOE makes an initial assessment of the progress made so far in implementing IFAD’s Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support, identifying...
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point (2012)
juin 2012
Background and introduction The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) conducted a country programme evaluation (CPE) in Rwanda in 2010/2011. The CPE had two basic objectives: (i) to...
Rural Areas Economic Development Programme
juin 2012
The Rural Areas Economic Development Programme left a visible and positive impact on rural areas development in Armenia in many respects. Through establishment of the Rural Finance Facility the...
Republic of Yemen Country programme evaluation - Extract of Agreement and Completion Point
mai 2012
Introduction This is the second IFAD country programme evaluation (CPE) for Yemen since the Fund started its operations in the country in 1979 (the first CPE was conducted in 1992). The CPE had two...
National Programme for Rangeland Rehabilitation and Development
mai 2012
The IFAD-supported National Programme for Rangeland Rehabilitation and Development performed poorly during its first years and suffered as well from the socio-economic complexity and environmental...
Ghana Country Programme Evaluation
mai 2012
Ghana is the largest recipient of IFAD’s loans and grants in the West and Central Africa region. Compared with past results the performance of IFAD-funded portfolio in Ghana has improved according...
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation
mars 2012
The performance of the IFAD-funded project portfolio in Rwanda has improved significantly since the country programme evaluation of 2005, especially with regard to effectiveness and efficiency, and...
Rural Financial Services Project
février 2012
Project performance assessment The most important results of the Rural Financial Services Project in Ghana were of institutional nature. The project helped strengthen the regulatory and oversight...
Area-Based Agricultural Modernization Programme
février 2012
The overall goal of the Area-Based Agricultural Modernization Programme in Uganda was to increase the incomes and food security of poor rural households in the programme areas and to modernize...
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2011
janvier 2012
This is the ninth Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) produced by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE). It consolidates and synthesizes the results and...
Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project
décembre 2011
The Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project (PDCRE ), which became effective September 2003, will close in September 2011. Because the Government of Rwanda has indicated that it may...
Rural Financial Intermediation Programme
décembre 2011
Interim Evaluation Introduction An interim evaluation of the Rural Financial Intermediation Programme (RUFIP) in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was conducted in 2009. The main...
Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province
Viet Nam  
décembre 2011
Project Performance Assessment During the implementation of the Rural Income Diversification Project in Tuyen Quang Province (RIDP), in 2002–2010, Viet Nam was still undergoing the fundamental...
Sustainable Development Project for Agrarian Reform Settlemen North-East (Dom Hélder Câmara Project)
décembre 2011
Introduction Objectives. In line with the decision of the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) at its 98th session on 15 December 2009, the IFAD Office of...
Langues: English, Portuguese
South Western Region Small Farmers Project - Phase II
République dominicaine  
décembre 2011
Completion evaluation Introduction Evaluation process and objectives. In 2008, the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) requested the Independent Office of...
Langues: English, Spanish
Rural Financial Services Programme and Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme
République-Unie de Tanzanie  
octobre 2011
Interim evaluation The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) conducted a joint interim evaluation of two IFAD-supported programmes: (i) the Rural Financial Services Programme (RFSP); and...
Rural Financial Services Programme and Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme
République-Unie de Tanzanie  
octobre 2011
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has requested IFAD to provide continued support for rural finance and agricultural marketing in a second phase programme that builds on and merges...
Projet de lutte contre la pauvreté dans l'Aftout sud et le Karakoro
septembre 2011
Introduction Objectifs et processus de l'évaluation. L'évaluation intermédiaire du Projet de lutte contre la pauvreté dans l'Aftout sud et le Karakoro (PASK) vise, d'une part, à répondre à...
Langues: English, French
Rural Enterprises Project – Phase II
septembre 2011
Interim Evaluation Introduction. The interim evaluation of the Ghana Rural Enterprises Project, Phase II (REP II) was conducted by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) in line with...
Dominican Republic: South Western Region Small Farmers Project, Phase II
République dominicaine  
juillet 2011
Completion evaluation Background and Introduction The IFAD Office of Evaluation conducted a completion evaluation of the South Western Region Small Farmers Project, Phase II, in the Dominican...
Langues: English, Spanish
Republic of the Niger: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
juillet 2011
Objectifs, processus et partenariat relatifs à l'évaluation En 2009, le Bureau indépendant de l'évaluation du FIDA a conduit une première évaluation du programme de pays (EPP) du FIDA au Niger....
Langues: English, French
Kenya: Country Programme Evaluation
juin 2011
Agreement at completion point Introduction IFAD has funded 15 projects in Kenya since the first project was approved in 1979. The total cost of the project portfolio is US$378 million, including...
The Federative Republic of Brazil: Sustainable development project for agrarian reform settlementsin the Semi-Arid North-East (Dom Hélder Câmara Project)
juin 2011
Core learning partnership and users of the evaluation The IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) undertook an interim evaluation of the IFAD-financed Sustainable Development Project for the Agrarian...
Langues: English, Portuguese
Kenya Country Programme Evaluation
juin 2011
This is the first country programme evaluation of Kenya by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD, since the Fund started its operations in the country in 1979. Among other areas, the...
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Rural Financial Intermediation Programme
juin 2011
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Background and the core learning partnership In 2009-2010, the IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) conducted an interim evaluation of the Rural Financial...
Republic of Ghana: Rural Enterprises Project, Phase II
juin 2011
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction In July 2010, the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) undertook an interim evaluation of the IFAD-funded Rural Enterprises Project,...
Lao People's Democratic Republic Oudomxay Community Initiatives Support Project
République démocratique populaire lao  
mai 2011
Completion Evaluation Introduction In 2010, a completion evaluation of the Oudomxay Community Initiatives Support Project (OCISP) was conducted in Lao PDR. The main objectives were: (i) to assess...
Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Poverty Reduction Project in Aftout South and Karakoro
mai 2011
Objectifs, processus et partenariat d'évaluation L'évaluation intermédiaire du Projet de lutte contre la pauvreté dans l'Aftout sud et le Karakoro (PASK) avait un double objectif : répondre à...
Langues: English, French
Republic of Rwanda: Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development Project
mai 2011
Interim Evaluation: Agreement at Completion Point Introduction The IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) conducted an interim evaluation of the IFAD-funded Smallholder Cash and Export Crops Development...
Republic of Uganda: Vegetable Oil Development Project
mai 2011
The core learning partnership and evaluation stakeholders In 2009, the IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) conducted an interim evaluation of the IFAD-funded Vegetable Oil Development Project (VODP) in...
Yarmouk Agricultural Resources Development Project
avril 2011
Project Performance Assessment Background. In 2010, the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) undertook a pilot project performance assessment (PPA) of the IFAD-financed Yarmouk...
Oudomxay Community Initiatives Support Project
République démocratique populaire lao  
avril 2011
Completion Evaluation Evaluation objectives. A completion evaluation of the Oudomxay Community Initiatives Support Project (OCISP) was conducted in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) in 2010....
Vegetable Oil Development Project
mars 2011
Introduction The project The Vegetable Oil Development Project (VODP) was approved by the IFAD Executive Board in April 1997; it has had a number of extensions and is now due to complete on 31...
Vegetable Oil Development Project
mars 2011
Interim evaluation The overall goal of the Vegetable Oil Development Project (VODP) is to increase household cash income of smallholders by revitalizing and increasing domestic vegetable oil...
IFAD's Private-Sector Development and Partnership Strategy
janvier 2011
Background and objectives (see paragraphs 69-71).1 Upon approving IFAD's Private-Sector Development and Partnership Strategy in 2005 (hereafter referred to as the private-sector strategy), the...
République du Bénin: Évaluation finale du Programme de développement de la culture des racines et tubercules
décembre 2010
L’objectif général du Programme de développement de la culture des racines et tubercules au Bénin était de contribuer durablement à la lutte contre la pauvreté à travers : la diversification et...
Langues: English, French
Qinling Mountain area Poverty-alleviation Project (2010)
décembre 2010
Interim Evaluation Introduction Evaluation objectives. An interim evaluation of the Qinling Mountain Area Poverty-Alleviation Project (QMAPAP) in China was conducted in 2008. The main objectives...
West Guangxi Poverty-Alleviation Project (2010)
décembre 2010
Completion Evaluation Introduction In line with the Evaluation Policy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Fund's Office of Evaluation (IOE) has undertaken in 2009 a...
Raymah Area Development Project (2010)
décembre 2010
Introduction Objectives. As agreed with the Executive Board, the IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) undertook an evaluation of the IFAD-financed Raymah Area Development Project (RADP) in the Republic...
IFAD’s performance with regard to gender equality and women’s empowerment
décembre 2010
Corporate-level evaluation Background and objectives The Consultation on the Eight Replenishment of IFAD's Resources decided in 2008 that the IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) would undertake this...
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2010
octobre 2010
This is the eighth Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) produced by the IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE). It presents a synthesis of the results and impact of IFAD-funded...
Republic of Mozambique: Country Programme Evaluation
juillet 2010
Agreement at completion point Background In 2008/2009, IFAD Office of Evaluation (IOE) conducted a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in the Republic of Mozambique. The main objectives of the CPE...
Langues: English, Portuguese
Argentine Republic: Country Programme Evaluation
juin 2010
Agreement at Completion Point Background and Introduction IFAD's Office of Evaluation (IOE) conducted a country programme evaluation (CPE) in Argentina in 2009/2010. The CPE had two basic...
Langues: English, Spanish
India Country Programme Evaluation
juin 2010
The evaluation confirms the value of IFAD’s work in addressing rural poverty in India. While the Fund has contributed to promoting pro-poor innovations in particular, it has also served as a...
Extract at Completion Point: Qinling Mountain Area Poverty-alleviation Project
juin 2010
Background and the core learning partnership In 2008, the IFAD Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted an interim evaluation of the Qinling Mountain Area Poverty-Alleviation Project (QMAPAP) in China....
People’s’ Republic of China: West Guangxi Poverty-Alleviation Project -Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
juin 2010
Core learning partnership and users of the evaluation In line with the Evaluation Policy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Fund's Office of Evaluation (IOE)...
IFAD’s capacity to promote innovation and scaling up
mai 2010
Background. At its Ninety-fifth Session in December 2008, the Executive Board requested the Office of Evaluation (IEO) to undertake a corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's capacity to promote...
Republic of Yemen: Raymah Area Development Project
mai 2010
Completion evaluation Background IFAD started its operations in Yemen in 1979 and since then has funded 20 agriculture and rural development projects in the country. The total costs of these...
India: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
mai 2010
Background1 India is the largest borrower from IFAD, both in terms of number of projects financed and resources invested. The Fund has provided loans for 24 agriculture and rural development...
Niger Country Programme Evaluation (2011)
mai 2010
Résumé exécutif Objectifs et grands axes de l'évaluation. En 2009, le Bureau indépendant de l'évaluation du Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) a été chargé d'entreprendre une...
Langues: English, French
Republic of Benin: Roots and Tubers Development Programme
mai 2010
Évaluation intermédiaire Objectifs, processus et partenariat cle de l'evaluation Objectifs. En 2009, le Bureau de l'évaluation du FIDA a conduit une évaluation finale du Programme de développement...
Langues: English, French
AfDB-IFAD joint evaluation on agriculture and rural development in Africa
avril 2010
The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) completed a joint evaluation on agriculture and rural development (ARD) in Africa, in December...
Mozambique Country Programme Evaluation
janvier 2010
This is the first country programme evaluation that the Independent Office of Evaluation has undertaken for Mozambique. The overriding strategic objective has been to raise the incomes of...
Langues: English, Portuguese
Argentina Country Programme Evaluation
décembre 2009
This is the first country programme evaluation undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD for Argentina. The evaluation found that the performance of the investment portfolio is...
Langues: English, Spanish
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2009
décembre 2009
This is the seventh Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) prepared by the Office of Evaluation (OE). It presents a synthesis of the main results and impact from evaluations...
Rural Development Programme for Las Verapaces (2009)
décembre 2009
Interim Evaluation Executive summary Background In December 2007, the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) requested the Office of Evaluation (OE) to...
Langues: English, Spanish
Upper Mandraré Basin Development Project – phase 2 (2009)
décembre 2009
Evaluation terminale - Résumé exécutif Introduction Objectifs et processus de l'évaluation. L'évaluation terminale du Projet de mise en valeur du Haut Bassin du Mandraré phase 2 vise, d'une part, à...
Langues: English, French
Uplands Food Security Project (2009)
République populaire démocratique de Corée  
décembre 2009
Interim Evaluation Introduction Evaluation objectives, methodology and process. In the spring of 2008, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of IFAD undertook an Interim Evaluation of the Uplands Food...
Western Mindanao Community Initiatives Project
octobre 2009
Poverty in the Philippines is predominantly rural and Western Mindanao is one of the poorest and least developed regions in the Philippines. The agriculture sector accounts for over a third of...
Western Mindanao Community Initiatives Project
octobre 2009
Poverty in the Philippines is predominantly rural and Western Mindanao is one of the poorest and least developed regions in the Philippines. The agriculture sector accounts for over a third of...
Nigeria Country Programme evaluation (2009)
septembre 2009
The objectives of the country programme evaluation (CPE) are to assess the performance and impact of the IFAD country programme in Nigeria and develop findings and recommendations. These will serve...
Rural Development Project for the Northeastern Provinces (PRODERNEA)
septembre 2009
In December 2007, the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) requested the Office of Evaluation (OE) to undertake a completion evaluation of the Rural...
Langues: English, Spanish
Ethiopia: Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of the Agreement at Complection Point
juillet 2009
Background In 2007/2008, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in Ethiopia. The main objectives of the CPE were to: (i) assess the performance and impact...
Federal Republic of Nigeria - Extract of Agreement at completion point
juillet 2009
Country Programme evaluation Background In 2007/2008, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a country programme evaluation (CPE) in...
Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation
juin 2009
IFAD assistance to Ethiopia. IFAD has provided loans totalling US$206 million to finance 13 projects in Ethiopia since 1980. A further US$288 million in cofinancing for these projects has been...
Republic of the Sudan: Country programme evaluation - Extract of Agreement at completion point
juin 2009
Background In 2007/2008, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in The Sudan. The main objectives of the CPE were to: (i) assess the performance and impact...
Republic of Guatemala: Rural Development Programme for Las Verapaces
mai 2009
Interim evaluation Agreement at completion point Background and introduction In 2008, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted an...
Langues: English, Spanish
Republic of the Philippines: Western Mindanao Community Initiatives Project (WMCIP)
mai 2009
Interim evaluation Background and core learning partnership The Western Mindanao Community Initiatives Project (WMCIP) targeted the poor, including indigenous people, in four provinces in Western...
