Chuquisaca South Rural Development Project - IOE
Chuquisaca South Rural Development Project
02 décembre 1993
The most notable achievements of the project have been:
- an increase in the production and productivity of some goods such as potatoes and peaches, and an improvement in sheep management, as a result of the extension activities. The most widely adopted recommendations have emphasised the dissemination of technologies requiring limited imported inputs;
- the construction of a network of low-cost roads, which has surpassed the original project objective, including small tracks constructed by local labour;
- the involvement of the beneficiaries as a primary motivation behind the project's actions, particularly since the reorientation of the Project, which established the POCs as the basis for the prioritisation of the activities carried out by the communities themselves;
- the support provided for the organisation and training of women, with particular emphasis on craft activities;
- the improvement in the living conditions of families in the area, through increased production and its effect on nutrition, support to education by the provision of school meals, and other specific actions; and
- the strengthening of local institutions and the project's technical team, providing a basis for its future sustainability. In the last agricultural year, nearly twice as many beneficiaries until 1992 received technical extension, bringing the total number of beneficiaries to 2 100.
- Date: 1993
- Language: English and Spanish
- Document: Executive summary in English and Spanish