
IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-income Countries: Evaluation Synthesis

09 février 2016

The evaluation synthesis concludes that there is a solid cause for IFAD’s continued engagement in middle-income countries (MICs). In fact, IFAD remains a relevant and highly valued partner for MICs, where there is an extensive demand for the Fund’s assistance, given its specialization and comparative advantage in working in remote rural areas and inclusive growth. However, taking into account the heterogeneity of these countries, there are opportunities for IFAD to further sharpen some of its existing products and instruments, devoting greater attention to non-lending activities, technical assistance and South-South and triangular cooperation. In addition, IFAD should intensify its ongoing efforts to mobilize additional funding and to strengthen strategic partnerships with other bilateral and multilateral development organizations.



Evaluation Synthesis on IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-Income Countries: Profile (Issue #96-2014)
Full document
Executive summary

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