On 20-21 March 2023, IOE will organize a management self-assessment, design and discussion workshop in the context of the 'Thematic Evaluation on IFAD’s support to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment'. The event will take place to finalize the inception phase of the evaluation, stimulate discussion and gather views from IFAD staff. It will comprise various sessions over two days:

  • An introduction to the TE on GEWE by IOE;
  • A self-assessment seminar based on a presentation prepared by IFAD management in response to a set of guiding questions provided by IOE
  • A discussion on how the IFAD GEWE approach and results are adapted to various development contexts;
  • A session that allowed for an in-depth discussion on how IFAD mainstreaming themes and other ECG work streams are addressed in IFAD’s operations;
  • A design session to collect suggestions to finalize the evaluation approach and work plan.
Concept agenda - IOE TE GEWE final 2023.pdf

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