On 29-31 March, the IsDB Group Evaluation Symposium will take place under the theme ‘Reshaping evaluation through the lens of recovery’.

The main objectives of the symposium are to shed light on promoting evaluative thinking to enhance development interventions, to inform decision-making processes, and more notably to leverage partnerships in order to accelerate recovery in the context of the post global pandemic. Furthermore, the Symposium brings together evaluation practitioners from MDBs, peer development institutions, academia, and the CLEAR Centers of Anglophone Africa and South Asia to strengthen and reshape evaluation work, and to forge a roadmap that facilitates progress towards the achievement of the SDGs and sustainable recovery from the global pandemic.

On 29 March, Nanthikesan, Lead Evaluation Officer, will address session n.3, on ‘Approaches and Methods to Climate Change and Environmental Evaluations’. On 30 March, Indran A. Naidoo, Director of IOE, will address session n.6 on ‘Providing Inputs During Times of Crisis’.  

Approaches and Methods to Climate Change and Environmental Evaluations.pdf

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