
Jordan Country Programme Evaluation

02 mars 2014

This is the first IFAD country programme evaluation (CPE) for Jordan since the Fund started its operations in the country in 1981. The evaluation has made it possible to assess the results and impact of IFAD-supported activities in the country, and has generated findings and recommendations that will inform the definition of future cooperation between IFAD and the Government of Jordan. In terms of results, the evaluation found, first, that IFAD-supported programmes have not achieved the overarching country strategic opportunities programme (COSOP) strategic objective of reaching the poor. The land-ownership-based soil and water conservation (SWC) investments supported by IFAD– while important from the point of view of natural resource management and increasing agriculture production, has been inherently unsuitable for reaching the poor in Jordan. Few of the IFAD target groups as defined in the COSOP (families earning less than US$2 per day) are land owners, or own only small plots. 


Executive summary

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