Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) conducted a corporate-level evaluation on IFAD's decentralization experience. In order to promote dialogue and learning across the Fund, IOE held an internal learning event dedicated to this evaluation where we shared and discussed main findings and recommendations. The event took place on 14 October.

The CLE findings and recommendations were based on thorough triangulation of evidence and covered different dimensions of IFAD’s decentralization, including in the areas of organizational architecture, delegation of authority, IFAD country office models, and related budget and human resource implications.

The event was very well attended by over 90 HQ colleagues in the room, 11 IFAD country offices connected via video conference and representatives from FAO. The IFAD Vice-President and Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department also participated in the discussions to share IFAD Management's views on the topic.

IOE thanks participants for their valuable inputs.

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