The Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme, in partnership with the Royal Thai Government and the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) Global Assembly, jointly organized the 4th International Conference on National Evaluation Capacities 2015, which took place in Bangkok, 26-30 October, 2015.

The theme of the conference this year was Blending Evaluation Principles with Development Practices to Change People's Lives. The conference focused on how governments can develop the necessary national evaluation capacities to evaluate sustainable human development. Participants deliberated on inputs to a post-2015 global evaluation agenda to support the implementation of the up-coming Sustainable Development Goals.

IOE was represented in the event by Ms Johanna Pennarz, Lead Evaluation Specialist, who delivered a presentation on IFAD's approach to Evaluation Capacity Development. The aim of the presentation was to present emerging practices for peer-to-peer collaboration in China and Ethiopia.

Around 400 participants attended the conference, including from government, parliaments, development organizations, multi-lateral and bi-lateral organizations, and voluntary evaluation organizations.


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