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Indonesia Portfolio overview Infographic

janvier 2018
Indonesia Portfolio overview, January 2018

IFAD in the Philippines' Cordilleras

décembre 2017
Sowing the seeds of success for farmers and microentrepreneurs.

Délibérations: troisième réunion mondiale du Forum des Peuples Autochtones au FIDA

novembre 2017

Le Comité de pilotage du Forum a décidé que l’autonomisation économique des peuples autochtones, notamment des femmes et des jeunes, devait être le thème général de la troisième réunion mondiale du Forum. 

2017 RIDE infographic

octobre 2017
This infographic illustrates the highlights of the 2017 Report on IFAD's Development Effectiveness (RIDE).

Coopération Sud-Sud et triangulaire (CSST): Principales données sur le portefeuille du FIDA

octobre 2017
Ces vingt dernières années, la coopération Sud-Sud (CSS) a acquis une véritable reconnaissance comme cadre important de collaboration entre pays en développement (pays du “monde du Sud“) dans différents domaines politiques, économiques, sociaux, culturels, environnementaux et techniques.
Également disponible en: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Asia-Pacific Farmers’ Forum IFAD’s Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations Phase Two (MTCP2)

octobre 2017
Established in 2005 as a permanent feature of the IFAD Governing Council, the Farmers’ Forum (FAFO) is a bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between IFAD, governments and farmers’ organizations that represent millions of small-scale farmers, fisher folk and pastoralists, both men and women, across the world. The forum aims to strengthen partnership and collaboration between IFAD and farmers’ organizations in country programmes and investment projects and to build capacity within these organizations. In support of the Farmers’ Forum, projects are established to strengthen farmers’ organizations and activities in the field. Thus, IFAD, together with several other donors (EU, SDC, AFD), has engaged into partnership with FOs through continental grants in Asia with the Medium-term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organizations in Asia and
the Pacific (MTCP) as well as in Africa with the Support to Farmers’ Organizations in Africa Programme (SFOAP).
