Burkina Faso 2000001925: PAFA-4R Project Design Report July 2019


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Burkina Faso 2000001925: PAFA-4R Project Design Report July 2019

Proyecto: Agricultural Development: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project in the Southwest, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Boucle du Mouhoun Regions

The Agricultural Value Chain Project in the Sud-Ouest, HautsBassins, Cascades and Boucle du Mouhoun regions (PAFA-4R) aims to improve agricultural productivity, enhance agricultural value chains, and promote entrepreneurship in rural areas.

With a focus on women (50 per cent of beneficiaries), youth (30 per cent of beneficiaries), and people with disabilities, the PAFA-4R aims to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth by improve land access, train beneficiaries on climate-smart agricultural practices, provide financial support, and facilitate access to markets. PAFA-4R will have an estimated 70,000 direct beneficiaries.

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África Occidental y Central