In rural Ecuador, agricultural communities work collectively to produce food for their families and to increase household income.  Good food production requires infrastructure and knowledge that families not always have.

In this episode, Roots spoke with Gladis Fabiola Alcedo, a woman farmer who started an organization for egg production in Tungurahua, and with Angelita Morejón Chaves, a housewife who received training and now runs a company in Bolivar.


Roots in Ferké and Nahoulakaha, Côte d’Ivoire – Agricultural productivity

Nov 12, 2018

Roots' interview on country strategy and programme evaluation in Tunisia (In Arabic)

Roots in Ferké and Nahoulakaha, Côte d’Ivoire – Agricultural productivity

Nov 12, 2018

Roots' interview on country strategy and programme evaluation in Tunisia (In Arabic)