

खोज परिणाम

टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
11 अप्

Sin equidad de género no habrá desarrollo sostenible, asegura el FIDA en el lanzamiento del Decenio Interamericano por los Derechos de las Mujeres Rurales

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
16 जनव

La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico

भाषाएँ: Spanish
09 नवं

New UN report: 43.2 million people suffer from hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the region has higher levels of overweight and obesity than the global estimate

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
24 अक्

One million people to build climate resilience: new IFAD-Brazil agreement

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, Portuguese
12 अक्

Cerca de 4 000 jóvenes rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras mejoran sus medios de vida con el impulso del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
21 सित

El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales

भाषाएँ: Spanish
06 सित

ALIDE y el FIDA unen fuerzas para fortalecer el desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: Spanish
30 अगस

12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales

भाषाएँ: Spanish
11 जुल

Bolivia: Más de 19 000 productores rurales fortalecerán su resiliencia al cambio climático con apoyo del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
17 मार

YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
18 जनव

UN Report: 131 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean cannot access a healthy diet

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
12 अप्

IFAD-funded project to protect the environment in Haiti by improving smallholder farmers' and artisanal fishermen's livelihoods

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French
04 मार

IFAD-funded project to increase coffee and cocoa production in eastern Cuba while building resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 फ़र

IFAD-funded project to develop technological solutions to help smallholder farmers overcome COVID-19 impact in Latin America and the Caribbean

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 दिस

La Unión Europea y el FIDA se alían para fortalecer las organizaciones de pequeños agricultores en América Latina

भाषाएँ: Spanish
26 नवं

New UN report warns that the number of people suffering hunger in Latin America is at its highest point in two decades

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
25 मार

New investment in digital solutions will connect Latin American farmers to markets and banking services in response to COVID-19 restrictions

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
03 मार

El FIDA lanza la Segunda Edición del Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural en América Latina y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
02 दिस

New UN report reveals the inequality in the geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
27 नवं

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
29 जुल

Un total de 25 organizaciones impulsan una campaña para empoderar a las mujeres rurales, indígenas y afrodescendientes frente a la pandemia de COVID-19

भाषाएँ: Spanish
13 जुल

El Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural visibiliza una juventud preocupada por la biodiversidad, el acceso a los mercados y el rescate de las tradiciones

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
04 फ़र

El FIDA evidencia que su apoyo ha mejorado los medios de vida de las familias rurales en el Ecuador

भाषाएँ: Spanish
30 जनव

El FIDA presenta la evaluación de su labor de reducción de la pobreza rural en el Ecuador

भाषाएँ: Spanish
28 जनव

Call for Proposals: Scaling up renewable energy technologies in agriculture

भाषाएँ: English
06 दिस

Photo contest on youth and rural development

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
03 दिस

New Report: Investments in indigenous peoples, youth and women essential to fight climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 नवं

Boosting incomes and protecting the environment – IFAD and Government of Peru assess achievements of joint project

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
16 अक्

El FIDA inaugura su oficina en Brasilia con la revisión de su estrategia país en Brasil

भाषाएँ: Spanish
13 सित

A common path towards Guatemala’s sustainable development

भाषाएँ: English
19 मार

El FIDA coordinará desde Panamá sus acciones a favor del desarrollo rural en Mesoamérica y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: Spanish
26 नवं

Bolivia and IFAD team up to improve the lives of rural poor people

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
20 नवं

La unión hace la fuerza: FAO, FIDA y WFP presentan un informe de su trabajo conjunto en América Latina y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: Spanish


Media contacts

असेट प्रकाशक

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]