


تفاصيل البلد غير متاحة حاليًا

IFAD does not currently have active operations in Palestine.

Country documents

संबंधित एसेट

Palestine Country Strategy Note प्रकार: Country strategy note (CSN)
क्षेत्र: Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

Country Experts

Projects and Programmes

Projects Browser


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Twenty years on from the first Farmers’ Forum, four farming leaders weigh in

फ़रवरी 2024 - STORY

We asked four farmers’ organization leaders from around the world about current challenges, new developments and their hopes for the future at the eighth global meeting of the Famers’ Forum.

Related publications

संबंधित एसेट

IFAD Results Series Issue 2

अगस्त 2017

This issue presents and analyses experiences from the following IFAD-funded projects and programmes:
Ethiopia: Pastoral Community Development Project; Nepal: Leasehold Forestry and Livestock Programme; Palestine: Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme; Peru: Project for Strengthening Assets, Markets and Rural Development in the Northern Highlands (Sierra Norte); Sierra Leone: Rehabilitation and Community-based Poverty Reduction Project

IFAD and the League of Arab States

जनवरी 2009

Poverty poses a constant threat to economic growth, trade reform, private sector development, knowledge, governance and gender equality.
Poverty among the 22 members of the League of Arab States (LAS) is primarily a rural phenomenon. A quarter of the region’s population, or about 80 million people, live below national poverty lines. Between 60 and 70 percent of these poor people live in rural areas.

One of the most pressing challenges in the region is the high rate of unemployment, particularly among young people. Official unemployment rates average 13 per cent, and in some countries the jobless rate among young people is twice as high.

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