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Weathering the storm: How finance provides a lifeline for SMEs in times of crisis

agosto 2022 - BLOG

The impacts of the war in Ukraine, coupled with the pandemic and climate change, are threatening the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the world over. Finance is a critical lifeline, but can rural agri-SMEs access it?


“This is unprecedented”: IFAD’s Country Director in Pakistan reacts to the floods

agosto 2022 - BLOG

Following months of incessant rain, nearly one third of Pakistan is underwater. Millions of people are affected, thousands have died, and agriculture is at risk. IFAD’s Country Director in Pakistan reflects on what is happening on the ground.

Seeing change happen before our eyes in Guatemala and Honduras

agosto 2022 - BLOG

On a recent trip to Guatemala and Honduras with the US Ambassador to the UN agencies based in Rome, IFAD Country Director, René Castro, explains how smallholder farmers are transforming rural communities despite the challenges of climate change.
