

Risultati ricerca

From coca leaves to cocoa beans: How farmers in the Peruvian Amazon are innovating using digital tools

In Peru, IFAD-funded project helps small-scale farmers connect to new markets and access technical assistance online.

IFAD loan to enable small-scale farmers in Viet Nam to plan for, cope with and adapt to climate change impacts

IFAD and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam last week signed a loan agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in the Mekong Delta. The Climate-smart Agricultural Value Chain Development (CSAT) project will generate sustainable income opportunities and improved rural livelihoods for 60,000 families engaged in small-scale farming.

New IFAD - and GAFSP - funded project to scale up successful approaches to increasing food and nutrition security and increase small-scale farmers’ incomes in Lao PDR

IFAD and the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic today signed an agreement for a nutrition-sensitive agriculture project to address food insecurity and malnutrition among the rural poor. The project will especially focus on vulnerable groups such as women, young people and people with disabilities.

Il Consiglio dei Governatori dell’IFAD approva l’ingresso dell’Ucraina come suo 178mo Stato Membro

Il Consiglio dei Governatori del Fondo Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Agricolo ha approvato oggi l’ingresso dell’Ucraina come 178mo stato membro dell’IFAD.

Pueblos Indígenas de Bolivia logran un reconocimiento mundial por su gestión ganadera adaptada al cambio climático, con apoyo del FIDA

Gracias a su excelente gestión ganadera, adaptada al cambio climático, y la protección efectiva sus medios de vida y los ecosistemas, los Pueblos Indígenas de tres departamentos de Bolivia se hicieron merecedores del Premio de los Pueblos Indígenas, siendo así reconocidos como el proyecto con mejores resultados entre aquellos financiados por el FIDA.

Il Presidente IFAD chiede ai Governi di incrementare gli investimenti a favore delle popolazioni più povere del mondo

È ora che i leader mondiali accelerino la loro azione per la sicurezza alimentare, che intensifichino gli investimenti a favore sia delle comunità rurali che dei piccoli agricoltori, vale a dire di coloro che producono un terzo del cibo del pianeta. Sono le parole del Presidente del Fondo Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Agricolo (IFAD), Alvaro Lario, in un appello urgente in occasione della 46a riunione del Consiglio dei Governatori dell'IFAD tenutasi oggi a Roma.

L'IFAD rafforza notevolmente i suoi investimenti in Somalia per aiutare i piccoli produttori a far fronte agli shock climatici e all'insicurezza alimentare

Il Presidente del Fondo Internazionale per lo Sviluppo Agricolo (IFAD) Alvaro Lario, ha annunciato oggi che verrà rafforzato il sostegno alla Somalia e riprenderanno gli investimenti diretti verso tale paese, sospesi per tre decenni a causa dei ritardi nel pagamento del debito accumulati dal Governo di Mogadiscio. La Somalia ha infatti saldato il suo debito con l'IFAD grazie al sostegno degli Stati membri.

Rural people in Sudan call time on water wars

As the climate crisis takes hold and water scarcity sparks conflict, rural people in Sudan are finding ways toward peace and equitable resource management.

Meet the winners of the Indigenous Peoples Awards 2023

Through the Indigenous Peoples Awards, IFAD celebrates inspirational development projects that partnered with and made a real difference to indigenous communities in 2022

Papa Francesco riceve i leader delle popolazioni indigene che chiedono giustizia climatica

Incontrando oggi Papa Francesco, 40 leader delle popolazioni indigene hanno espresso la loro preoccupazione per il prezzo che le industrie estrattive e di sfruttamento che alimentano l'economia globale stanno facendo pagare, causando una crescente disuguaglianza, impedendo l'accesso ai diritti umani di base e ostacolando la sostenibilità ambientale.

Giving Indigenous Peoples the recognition they deserve: Why updates to IFAD's policy matter

IFAD’s updated Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples enshrines the value of their traditions and supports the crucial role they play in the world. We spoke with three experts to get an insight into the policy.

I leader mondiali al 46° Consiglio dei Governatori dell'IFAD - Accelerare l'azione per affrontare la fame nel mondo a livelli senza precedenti

Heads of state, ministers, development, youth and indigenous leaders, climate activists will discuss and agree upon ways to accelerate action to tackle growing hunger and an unprecedented food crisis at the annual IFAD's Governing Council.

IFAD, the UN’s rural development agency, and the Kingdom of Cambodia deepen partnership for inclusive agricultural growth

An IFAD delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia led by Jyotsna Puri, Associate Vice-President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department, and Reehana Raza, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, met key officials, including Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen, to discuss investments that will promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in rural Cambodia, particularly through priority export and domestic value chains.

Tackling unprecedented levels of hunger - Global leaders to accelerate action at IFAD’s 46th Governing Council

As the world faces the largest food crisis in modern history, global leaders including Heads of state, government ministers, and representatives of youth and indigenous peoples, will gather in Rome to participate in the annual Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Senegal: IFAD partners with private sector to unleash financial inclusion in rural areas

IFAD has developed two new public-private partnerships to enhance access to cheaper, faster and safer remittances, the hard-earned money sent home by migrant workers. New partnerships aim to increase access to digital and financial services and products across rural areas of Senegal.

UN rural development agency IFAD and Government of Lao PDR commit to improving nutrition in rural areas

On a four-day visit to the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Jyotsna Puri, Associate Vice-President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and Reehana Raza, IFAD’s Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, met Phet Phomphiphak, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

Georgia and Kyrgyzstan: sustained efforts toward collective community pasture management

Pastoral communities in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan work hand in hand with IFAD to make land use more equitable, productive and sustainable.

Promoting indigenous voices - Episode 40

With IFAD’s Indigenous Peoples’ Forum coming up in February, we focus on a crucial yet underrepresented group in the fight for climate change: Indigenous Peoples.

IFAD and African Development Bank are on a mission to boost agricultural productivity in Africa

As food security for millions of Africans continues to be impacted by rising food and fuel prices further compounded by threats of a debt crisis in some countries, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and IFAD are joining forces to address the structural problems hampering agricultural productivity in Africa through a new programme aimed at feeding Africa sustainably.

How livestock in Lesotho is adapting to climate change

An IFAD-FAO study from Lesotho provides valuable insight on how to mitigate against climate change while sustainably producing enough healthy food for everyone.
