Rural Development Project in the Central Eastern Region (PRODERO)


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Rural Development Project in the Central Eastern Region (PRODERCO)

Rural Development Project in the Central Eastern Region (PRODERO)

PRODERO was IFAD's first initiative in Honduras and was a pioneering project in the diffusion of soil conservation techniques and particularly in developing environmental awareness among poor people and technical staff. Objective of the project was to help 8,400 families overcome chronic poverty by developing the local potential for self-development of families and local organizations, and by ensuring farmers' access to productive and financial resources.

Some participants who received training in improved production methods and conservation of natural resources have set up their own schools or enterprises and are themselves training farmers and technical workers. In addition, the channeling of resources to zones near areas of conflict has helped reduce social tension and contributes to peace.

Source: IFAD

Statut: Clôturé
Date d'approbation
29 avril 1997
1997 - 2003
Développement agricole
Coût total
17 millions d'USD
Financement du FIDA
12,28 millions d'USD
Cofinanceurs (International)
Central-American Bank for Econ.Integration (BCIE) 1,5 million d'USD
Cofinanceurs (Échelle nationale)
Private sector local 1,36 million d'USD
National Government 1,3 million d'USD
Conditions de financement
Conditions particulièrement favorables
Numéro de projet

Rapports de conception du projet

Documents de supervision et d'appui à l'exécution

Étude de l'impact environnemental et social

Cadre de gestion environnementale et sociale

Rapport sur l'examen à mi-parcours

Cadre d’action de réinstallation

Condensé de rapport d'achèvement de projet

Études spéciales

Liste de projets

Audit et états financiers

Rapport d'achèvement de projet


À propos du projet