



Grant-based development interventions are worth it. But how – and when?

6月 2022 - BLOG

Conventional wisdom has long held that giving grants to small-scale farmers produces temporary gains at best. But recently, our research into a grants-based intervention employed by PRICE, an IFAD-funded initiative in Rwanda, found benefits that have lasted for five years and counting.

The people of Bangladesh are resilient, but without urgent climate action, the future of this fascinating country is uncertain

6月 2022 - BLOG

Journalist and documentary maker Qasa Alom recently visited Bangladesh with IFAD. He reflects on how climate change is affecting its people and what IFAD is doing to support them.

The need for better donor coordination: Building long-term resilience against food systems crises

5月 2022 - BLOG

These days, it feels like the vulnerability of the world’s food systems is on full display. As I watch the current situation unfold, I’ve been reflecting on the need for multilateralism and donor coordination to help the world overcome this emergency.

“Why shouldn’t people eat bugs?”: A conversation with Chef Yoon

5月 2022 - BLOG

We sat down with Chef Joseph Yoon to learn more about edible insects: their health benefits, their potential as a method for fighting climate change, and even – for those who are tempted – how to start incorporating them into your cooking.

Moldova is suffering due to the war in Ukraine – and we have a chance to help

5月 2022 - BLOG

The war in Ukraine is testing the resilience of the people of Moldova, including its small-scale farmers. Our support is essential for helping them respond to the crisis – but opportunities to help are slipping through our fingers.  

Lending a hand – and finance – to young agricultural entrepreneurs in East Africa

4月 2022 - BLOG

We know a thing or two about connecting youth with the financial services they need to start a business – but there’s always more to learn. Here, we reflect on some of our “lessons learned” as part of a recent grant programme in East Africa.
