Republic of Mali Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2020-2024



Republic of Mali Country Strategic Opportunities Programme 2020-2024

This 2020-2024 COSOP will primarily benefit two target groups, of whom women and youth are the majority: (i) small economically active rural producers and their families willing to engage in commercial agriculture; and (ii) small and mediumsized businesses that provide services to rural communities.

The overall objective is to contribute to food and nutrition security, employment and shared wealth creation.

The COSOP will pursue the following two strategic objectives:

  1. small and medium-sized farms and rural enterprises use high performing, climate resilient agricultural production systems and nutrition sensitive value chains to sustainably increase their productivity and output; and
  2. market access for smallholder producers and for youth and women-owned small and mediumsized enterprises is improved by facilitating access to inclusive financing, processing and marketing systems to sustainably increase their incomes.

The programme will pay special attention to food and nutrition security, gender mainstreaming, climate change and rural youth entrepreneurship development. It will pursue and scale up ongoing cofinancing arrangements with other partners, including the Global Environment Facility, Canada and Denmark.


Country Strategic Opportunities Programme


October 2020


West and Central Africa

