



The perfect weekend away in rural Bangladesh

september 2022 - BLOG

Discover hidden gems in rural Bangladesh with two IFAD colleagues as they visit a community-led eco-tourism project that has transformed the area.

What everyone was talking about at UNGA77

september 2022 - BLOG

The trending topic at UNGA this year was the escalation of the war in Ukraine. But the topic IFAD’s Alberto Trillo Barca heard discussed most in the halls and lifts of UN HQ in New York was food security and the global food crisis.

Hungry caterpillars threaten Kenya's crops. Can plants provide a natural pest control solution?

september 2022 - BLOG

Kenyan farmers and their crops face a tiny but destructive threat: the fall armyworm. With climate change causing more infestations, push-pull technologies are a sustainable and affordable way of naturally controlling pest numbers. Find out how this simple but effective technology works.
