Photo essays



Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

oktober 2019
The second Friday in October is World Egg Day. A day to recognise the vital role of eggs in feeding people around the world.

Cultivating resilient communities in rural Guinea-Bissau

oktober 2019
Over a decade ago, in the region of Tombali, Arama Tudarame’s husband and local chief sought land around their village suitable for growing cashew trees. Then, as now, monoculture of the kidney-shaped nut dominated the country’s agricultural sector

Indigenous communities in Malaysia building capacity for resilience through IPAF

augustus 2019
The Jakun people is the largest group of the Orang Asli Indigenous Peoples of Malaysia. They have an amazing partnership between people and the forest - looking after it and using only what they need to live. But their traditional livelihoods are at risk.

The impact of a value chain approach in Nigeria

april 2019

The IFAD-funded Value Chain Development Programme in Nigeria assists cassava and rice smallholder farmers through a value chain approach to enhance productivity, promote agro-processing and increased access to markets. The programme aims to transform the agricultural sector of rural Nigeria by achieving food security, increasing incomes and creating new employment opportunities.

The value of indigenous tree species in Ethiopia

april 2019
In the Chencha region of southern Ethiopia, erosion continues to be a pressing concern for the Gamo people, one of the main indigenous tribes of Ethiopia. The Gamo people live in the highland area and primarily practice mixed agriculture and weaving.

Improving livelihoods of women in south west Ethiopia

januari 2019

Gendo Gembela Tsire is a women’s group in Chencha district, Ethiopia who are demonstrating the process of making kocho (to make traditional flatbread) and bula (a flour blend prepared as a porridge) from the enset crop.

Hitting the right notes – Midori raises awareness of rural women through music

januari 2019
World-renowned violinist and United Nations Messenger of Peace, Midori, travelled to Viet Nam to meet with and perform for villagers in a remote and poverty-stricken community to raise awareness of the challenges faced by rural women.

The sweet smell of success in Myanmar

november 2018
As part of the FARM project, local facilities called Knowledge Centres are being established at the community level in several villages in Myanmar.
