Country Visit of the Executive Board to the Republic of Uganda - IOE
From 26 November 2023 to 2 December 2023, Dr Indran A. Naidoo, IOE Director, will join a delegation of distinguished representatives of the IFAD Executive Board for a country visit to the Republic of Uganda. The visit will allow Board representatives to witness IFAD’s work on the ground and observe at first hand the opportunities and challenges that IFAD faces in carrying out its mandate.
During the visit, Dr Naidoo will present the lessons emerging from the 2021 Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (CSPE), which covers the period from 2013 to 2020, carried out by IOE. The presentation will offer an opportunity to better understand what the Government and IFAD have learnt from this CSPE, and how they have used it to prepare a new strategy and to enhance the portfolio.