Remittances and their role in building resilience to improve food security in Africa


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Remittances and their role in building resilience to improve food security in Africa

Time: 9:00-10:30 (GMT+2)

Remittances contribute hugely to the economic health and social development of developing countries – IFAD and IOM know this well. For this reason, the two agencies are teaming up at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh to highlight the importance of these payments.

The event is scheduled to take place on 12 November and will follow a Q&A style. The panellists – including ministers, economists, professors and IOM and IFAD staff – will focus on two main topics:

  1. The role of remittances in accelerating the sustainable development in Africa
  2. The impact of remittances in improving food security and alleviate poverty

The aim of the panel is to bring to the fore the connections between migration, remittances and food crises, in a bid to develop the role of social transfers in agricultural innovation, both in origin and destination.


One UN Pavilion – COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh


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