

Resultados da pesquisa

IFAD loan of 5 million euros to Mauritania to help strengthen the resilience of marginalized rural populations

IFAD and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania have signed a loan agreement for 5 million euros to finance the "Joint Sahel Programme in response to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflicts and Climate Change (SD3C G5 Sahel + Senegal).

From Nigeria to Nepal, going online helps rural women build businesses

Meet the women using digital tools to build successful businesses and stronger communities.

It’s not too late to prevent the worst-case scenario

The IPCC’s latest Synthesis Report is a reminder that the power is in our hands to prevent the very worst outcomes of climate change—if we take decisive and ambitious action now.

“There is no food security without water security,” says IFAD executive in plea to increase investments in water solutions for small-scale farmers

Ahead of the UN 2023 Water Conference, IFAD calls for accelerated investments to help small-scale farmers in developing countries access and manage increasingly scarce water resources in the face of a changing climate and more extreme weather events.

When the world is drying up, every drop of water counts

Climate change and a growing population are exacerbating water scarcity. As the water cycle is disrupted, farmers are coming up with inventive ways to harvest, store and use water. IFAD is helping them with simple but effective and climate-smart water infrastructure.

YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA

Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA presentó hoy en La Paz la segunda edición de la iniciativa “YouTubers y Tiktokers Rurales”, un ciclo de talleres de capacitación y un concurso de talentos para promover la creación de empleo juvenil y la mejora de los niveles de nutrición de casi 5 000 jóvenes de entre 16 y 35 años de zonas rurales y periurbanas de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.

Turning dreams into reality in West Africa

Young people in rural areas of West Africa are leaving unemployment behind and setting up successful agri-businesses.

Álvaro Lario, Presidente del FIDA: “España puede convertirse en un líder mundial en la lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza en un momento crucial”

En su primera visita oficial a Madrid, el presidente español del FIDA, Álvaro Lario, destacó el potencial de España para “convertirse en un líder mundial en la lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza en un momento crucial,” en el que los elevados precios de los alimentos ponen contra las cuerdas a millones de personas y amenazan la estabilidad mundial.

As Cyclone Freddy breaks records, vulnerable rural people are in the eye of the storm

For over a month, Cyclone Freddy has been battering south-east Africa. This may be the longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever recorded—and vulnerable rural communities are in the eye of the storm. We explain what this means for IFAD’s project participants in the region.

UN Agency IFAD becomes a voting member of the ICMA principles, providing investors with another reason to bank on rural development

IFAD has become a voting member of the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) principles.

Meet the young entrepreneurs fighting to preserve and restore our biodiversity

Young people the world over know that conserving our biodiversity is key to eradicating hunger and achieving a healthy and sustainable food system. Here’s how they’re fixing our broken planet.

‘Don’t give up on Niger’ - Ambassador Cindy Mccain, calls for increased donor support amidst growing food insecurity

Addressing a press briefing from Rome, Ambassador McCain said, “My appeal to the international community today is, do not give up on Niger. One thing is sure – when we come together as one world, we can save lives.”

Time to step up investments in rural communities on the frontline of climate change in the Pacific islands

IFAD is advocating for more investments in small-scale farming communities in the Pacific.

As the world moves to protect oceans, we must also protect small-scale fishers

As the world welcomes the historic UN agreement to legally protect high seas, we must also ensure that small-scale fishers continue to be protected.

International Women’s Day 2023: Bridging the digital gender divide is essential for unleashing women’s potential in rural areas, say UN food and agriculture agencies

Inclusive access to digital technologies and education is crucial to reducing gender inequalities and empowering rural women and girls – that was the message from three United Nations’ food and agriculture agencies as they marked International Women’s Day 2023.

A digital divide is holding rural women back. Here is what we can do to change this

Many rural women are excluded from digital services. What is causing the digital divide and what can we do to end it?

From tulips to tomatoes: Technology empowers women in Asia

In Pakistan and Bangladesh women are harnessing technology to connect to the world and build a business, one click at a time.

A new chapter in IFAD’s work with persons with disabilities

Meet IFAD’s new Disability Inclusion Champion as she works towards amplifying the voice and potential of persons with disabilities.

IFAD, the UN’s rural development agency, and India deepen shared commitment to build resilient rural livelihoods

As India takes over the G20 presidency, an IFAD delegation to India met key officials.
