Webinar : Is precision farming the next agriculture revolution?


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Webinar: Is precision farming the next revolution in agriculture?

14:00 – 15:15 CEST

Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture, is transforming the agricultural landscape by offering optimal management of inputs based on the site-specific requirements of farm fields and animals, enabling more effective and efficient use of natural, human, and financial resources.

Precision agriculture has been attributed to ecological and environmental gains by optimizing the use of water, soil and other resources. It can also serve as a decision support system that helps farmers understand the conditions of their farm and increase the efficiency of its management.

IFAD views the adoption of precision agriculture as a way for small-scale farmers to increase productivity, contribute to the alleviation of hunger and poverty, and benefit from climate change mitigation gains.

This webinar will bring together experts from the development sector, academia, and industry. It will share some of the lessons learned and explore how these lessons can be applied to advance precision farming and address the challenges faced by small-scale producers in remote areas.






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