What do we need for transformational adaptation in agriculture? Hear from young farmers


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What do we need for transformational adaptation in agriculture? Hear from young farmers

14:00 CEST

Climate change is driving up the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events including floods, droughts and storms, which account for up to 90 per cent of all disasters worldwide. In the global South, these are quickly spiralling into full-blown food and nutrition crises. Climate finance will be essential for transforming agriculture and food systems towards climate resiliency.

Youth engagement in relation to climate change is also fundamental - because of both the sheer number of youth in the world and their capacity to influence the future of sustainable development.

In this consultation space for rural youth, part of the Pre-COP26 Youth Summit in Milan, we will hear directly from young farmers who are underserved by global climate finance flows. There will be an interactive discussion with the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, and with Tijmen Rooseboom, Ambassador for Youth, Education and Work at Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




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