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Tapping public policies and programmes to boost IFAD’s impact

Abril 2022 - BLOG

In many countries, we have the opportunity to partner with public policies and programmes to deliver the services our project participants need. Although effective inter-institutional coordination is never simple, it is doable – and entirely worth the effort.



Do IFAD-supported projects reduce the risk of conflict? What the evidence says

Abril 2022 - BLOG

We used GIS to assess the impact of IFAD-supported projects on the likelihood of conflict in fragile contexts. Our results suggest that the presence of IFAD interventions may prevent conflicts from arising and reduce the overall number of conflicts.



The importance of food sovereignty for indigenous peoples: A conversation with Dr. Elifuraha Laltaika

Abril 2022 - BLOG

Learn more about food sovereignty and what it means for indigenous peoples with Dr Elifuraha Laltaika, a professor of law and expert on indigenous peoples’ rights. 

What it will take to make IFAD truly diverse

Abril 2022 - BLOG

There is much interest in promoting workplace diversity recently. Not only is this long overdue, but it also makes financial sense.

Building resilience in the Asia-Pacific region in uncertain times

Abril 2022 - BLOG

Just as the shadow of COVID-19 was lifting from many parts of the world, new crises have arisen – and they’re a particularly difficult challenge for poor rural people in developing countries.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, rural agribusinesses cluster together to flourish

Abril 2022 - BLOG

All too often, small family farms operate in isolation. By themselves, they often lack the resources and skills they need to thrive. IFAD is now bringing small-scale farmers and other stakeholders into clusters to work together for their common interests. We caught up with one of our technical specialists to learn more.

Building a bay, one oyster at a time: A conversation with Chef Rob Rubba

Março 2022 - BLOG

“At the end of the day, restaurants are a luxury, but having food is a right. Everyone should have access to food.”

Is the grass always greener where it rains?

Março 2022 - BLOG

Groundwater depletion continues to be a challenge for small-scale farmers in the NENA region, despite the existence of water-saving technologies. Now, a new study is shedding light on ways farmers can improve their water efficiency – and where they can turn for help.

Groundwater can help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change, if it’s used sustainably

Março 2022 - BLOG

If groundwater is used carefully, it can be used by small-scale farmers to grow the crops they need to feed their families and build livelihoods in areas that are strongly affected by climate change.

Why rural women need land rights: A conversation with Steven Jonckheere

Março 2022 - BLOG

This International Women’s Day, we sat down with Steven Jonckheere, IFAD’s Senior Technical Specialist on Gender and Social Inclusion, for a conversation on why women’s land rights matter – and what IFAD is doing about it.

Why must we wait another generation to close the gender gap? Women are long overdue a seat at the table

Março 2022 - BLOG

Last year, the World Economic Forum revised its estimates for closing the gender gap. Shockingly, rather than reaching equality sooner, the gap has increased a generation. At IFAD, we work to achieve a more equitable rural world, one where women’s participation in decision-making is no longer an exception.

Nutrition-sensitive investments for resilient food systems: Lessons from Ethiopia

Março 2022 - BLOG

More and more of IFAD’s development projects are focusing on nutrition as a way to optimize their impact. Our work in Ethiopia exemplifies this.


Changing the narrative on Haiti

Fevereiro 2022 - BLOG

Last year, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake caused more than 2,200 deaths and US$2 billion worth of damage in southern Haiti. In February 2022, a Donors' Conference was held to seek financial and political support for the reconstruction and relaunch of the region.

The roots that connect us: A conversation with Chef Jeong Kwan

Fevereiro 2022 - BLOG

Jeong Kwan is a Zen Buddhist nun. She’s also a chef famous for both her sustainable vegan recipes and her pure and sincere approach towards cooking. Our conversation touched upon everything from traditional Korean temple food to what we need to do to rebalance our food systems.

How agrobiodiversity can nourish the planet

Fevereiro 2022 - BLOG

For our people and planet to flourish, we need agrobiodiversity: agricultural systems that enhance our wealth of ecosystems and living beings instead of diminishing it. Our work has long recognized the importance of agrobiodiversity for sustainable food systems, and now we’re taking this commitment even further.

Using evidence from IFAD’s Impact Assessments to inform the design of new projects

Janeiro 2022 - BLOG

To make sure we’re investing in what works and achieving maximum impact, we evaluated 17 of our project Impact Assessments to look for broader trends. The results have implications for everyone who works in rural development – from those on the ground to the donors who make this work possible.

Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: The cornerstone of a healthier world

Dezembro 2021 - BLOG

It might seem counter-intuitive to suggest that agriculture should become more nutrition-sensitive – but many small-scale producers worldwide are at risk of food and nutrition insecurity. We’re committing to more ambitious goals for integrating nutrition into our investments and project activities.

In China, youth are at the forefront of transforming food systems

Dezembro 2021 - BLOG

Young people are the future of the world’s food systems, and they should therefore have a say in how the food systems of tomorrow should be configured. In China, youth have long been leading efforts to promote organic farming and sustainable consumption – and now, they’re beginning to act for change.

Disability rights matter for the world’s rural-dwellers

Dezembro 2021 - BLOG

Our vision of inclusive, sustainable, green, and resilient rural economies can’t be accomplished without the inclusion of persons with disabilities. We are committed to finding ways for persons with disabilities to participate fully in society and realize their potential as contributors to vibrant rural economies.

Fixing our food systems means getting the fundamentals right

Novembro 2021 - BLOG

The term “food systems” encompasses a huge variety of activities and issues. To make sure we’re all starting from the same place, let’s focus on the fundamentals: the land, and how to treat it well.

Promoting sustainable agrifood systems to combat climate change

Novembro 2021 - BLOG

It’s clear by now that no real progress on climate change mitigation will be achieved without the active participation of today’s top greenhouse gas emitters. In addition to transitioning their energy sectors away from carbon, actions such as making their agrifood systems more sustainable and promoting the use of natural carbon sinks could produce dramatic results in record time.

An IFAD–Indonesia partnership advances the policy agenda on sustainable peatland management

Novembro 2021 - BLOG

Peatlands store twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests and are home to everything from orchids to orangutans – but today, these lands are in peril. A partnership between IFAD and Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry is working to set a national policy agenda that will protect peatland ecosystems.

Managing fisheries for sustainability and resilience: The case of Angola

Novembro 2021 - BLOG

The fisheries and aquaculture sectors fully or partially support the livelihoods of 10–12 per cent of the world’s population. Yet fisheries across the world are under threat from climate change and over-exploitation. The question of how best to manage fisheries under these conditions is a complex one, but in our experience, bringing communities into inclusive governance structures is an indispensable part of the solution.

Why COP26 matters for the world’s rural dwellers: A conversation with Jo Puri

Outubro 2021 - BLOG

In early November, top experts from around the world will meet in Glasgow for COP26, the biggest climate change conference since the Paris Accords. We caught up with climate scientist and IFAD Associate Vice-President Dr Jo Puri to ask her what COP26 is all about and what she hopes will emerge from it.

The challenges and opportunities of investing in small-scale irrigation

Outubro 2021 - BLOG

Many countries in the Arab world rely on irrigation for their agricultural production. However, large-scale irrigation schemes have historically been difficult to manage. Small-scale schemes, when planned well from the outset, can be the solution.

To achieve the SDGs we must first transform how we feed the world

Outubro 2021 - BLOG

This year we commemorate, for the second time, World Food Day held under pandemic conditions. The theme is Our Actions Are Our Future. It’s time to ask what actions we must take to build that better future, in which food is produced sustainably and efficiently, providing good nutrition to all, while protecting the environment.

Neglected and underutilized species are the key to nourishing the world

Outubro 2021 - BLOG

The natural world has a wealth of plants that can sustain human life, yet global food systems are dominated by just three: wheat, maize, and rice. These species provide 50 percent of the plant-based calories we eat and occupy 40 percent of the world’s arable land. 

Preventing the next pandemic by integrating human, animal and environmental health

Setembro 2021 - BLOG

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clearer than ever that human health is not just a matter of providing people with medical care. To avoid future pandemics, we need to recognize that the well-being of people, animals, plants and ecosystems must be addressed as a dynamic whole.

Re-imagining food systems through the climate–nutrition nexus

Setembro 2021 - BLOG

The food we eat plays a role in not just our health, but that of our descendants. How we grow, hunt, fish or gather it, how we process it and bring it to market, affects the world around us. These simple relationships are the foundation of the climate–nutrition nexus.

Three ways IFAD can support digital agriculture in the Asia-Pacific region

Setembro 2021 - BLOG

Farmers and agribusinesses across the Asia-Pacific region are increasingly making use of new digital technologies. IFAD and Grow Asia have recently released a report exploring how these technologies are reshaping the region’s agriculture and how IFAD’s investments can accelerate the adoption of these technologies.
