


Результаты поиска

Investing in a better future: A new day dawns, and we have reasons for hope

декабря 2023 - BLOG

When climate and natural disasters strike, it’s rural people who are worst affected. Investing in their resilience ensures that they not only endure times of crisis, but emerge stronger. Associate Vice-President of Programmes Donal Brown explains how rural communities can change the world for the better.

IFAD at COP: Raising the voices of rural people

ноября 2023 - BLOG

Follow IFAD's journey at COP28, as we showcase efforts towards sustainable agriculture, climate resilience and food security, and raise the voices of rural people all over the world.


Investing in a better future: Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

ноября 2023 - BLOG

The Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia is a dynamic region faced with many challenges. We caught up with Regional Director Dina Saleh to find out how rural people are coping with the realities of conflict and climate change and to understand why the right investments now can make all the difference later.

Investing in a better future: West and Central Africa

октября 2023 - BLOG

West and Central Africa is as intricate as it is vast. We sat down with Regional Director, Bernard Mwinyel Hien, to better understand the region’s strengths and challenges.
