On 19 September 2014, IOE held a two-session workshop on the presentation of the forthcoming 2014 Annual Report of Results and Impact of IFAD's operations (ARRI), IOE's flagship product the objectives of which are to consolidate the evaluations of IFAD operations.

During the first session, the main findings of the ARRI were introduced and an evaluation of the results of IFAD operations was presented, highlighting cross-cutting/systemic issues and lessons learned requiring attention in the future to further strengthen the Fund's development effectiveness.

The second session was dedicated to the ARRI learning theme, which this year is Project Management. In this regard, an issues paper was prepared and circulated, which served as the main background documentation.

The workshop was attended by over 60 participants, including John McIntire, IFAD Associate Vice-President for the Programme Management Department, some division directors, representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the United Nations Development Programme and from the Executive Board.

IOE thanks participants for their valuable inputs.

2014 ARRI Issues Paper
2014 ARRI learning theme - Presentation

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ARRI learning event details
augusti 2014
Date: 19 September 2014 Time: 09:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Venue: Oval room Contact: Linda Danielsson

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