

Republic of Yemen: Tihama environment protection project - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
五月 2003
Interim Evaluation1 Insight 1: project fesign and supervision Project design was appropriate and innovative with an objective that was relevant for the rural poor in the Tihama and is consistent...
Republic of the Philippines: rural micro-enterprise finance project
五月 2003
Interim evaluation 1 In April 1996, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) approved a loan in the amount of approximately USD 14.7 million to the Government of the Philippines...
Guinea: smallholder development project in North Lower Guinea(PAPE-BGN)
五月 2003
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction The Agreement at Completion Point is based on the deliberations and discussions of the partners on the findings and recommendations from the...
語系: English, French
United Republic of Tanzania: Kagera agricultural and environmental management project
United Republic of Tanzania  
五月 2003
This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) records the understanding among the key partners of the evaluation for the Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project (KAEMP) on the main...
Federative Republic of Brazil - Community development project for the Rio Gavião Region (PROGAVIÃO)
五月 2003
State of Bahia - interim evaluation Core Learning Partnership and users of the evaluation Introduction The Core Learning Partnership1 met in Salvador , Bahia ( Brazil ) on 17 September 2003 to...
語系: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Nepal: Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project (HLFFDP)
五月 2003
Interim evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation The Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage...
Small-scale Irrigation Schemes Rehabilitation Project
四月 2003
Project Interim Evaluation The project involved 26 small-scale irrigation schemes, covering nearly 5,000 hectares in four different areas of Haiti: Port-de-Paix (6), Saint Marc (11), Petit-Goâve...
語系: English, French
Tihama Environment Protection Project (2003)
四月 2003
Interim Evaluation Introduction The objectives of the interim evaluation were to assess: (i) the achievements of the project so far and its impact on the target groups in relation to the original...
Support Project for Small Producers in the Semi-Arid Zones of Falcom and Lara States (2003)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
四月 2003
Project interim Evaluation1 Background to the evaluation The PROSALAFA project was approved by the IFAD Executive Board in April 1991. The date of effectiveness of the loan was May 1993 and the...
語系: English, Spanish
Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project
United Republic of Tanzania  
三月 2003
The evaluation was mounted by OE at the request of the Belgian Survival Fund with a two-fold objective: to assess and document Project impact and sustainability; and to develop insights and...
Tunisia Country Programme Evaluation
十二月 2002
The overall objective of the country programme evaluation in Tunisia was to draw lessons from over 20 years of project experiences (1980-2002) as a contribution to guiding future IFAD strategy in...
語系: English, French
United Republic of Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation
United Republic of Tanzania  
十二月 2002
The purpose of this country programme evaluation was to provide building blocks to update the country strategic opportunities programme for the United Republic of Tanzania and, in particular, to:...
Evaluation of IFAD's technical assistance grants programme for agricultural research
十二月 2002
Executive Summary I. Introduction 1. The Strategic Framework for IFAD 2002-2006 (SF) identifies "Improving Access to Productive Natural Resource and Technology" as one of the three strategic...
Northern regions livestock development project
十月 2002
Interim Evaluation Rural households have become more involved in identifying priority areas for investment and have begun to contribute towards the costs involved and to manage capital assets...
Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Highlands Project
九月 2002
Interim Evaluation In 1993, a General Identification Mission for Peru recommended that two projects be carried out: one whose objective would be management of productive natural resources in the...
語系: English, Spanish
Northern Regions Livestock Development Project (2002)
九月 2002
Interim Evaluation Introduction The Northern Regions Livestock Development Project (NOLIDEP) is one of the first to be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development...
Network of IFAD-Supported Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA) - Phase II - TAG 310A
六月 2002
The FIDAMERICA network is a very ambitious regional programme of IFAD's Latin America and the Caribbean Division that offers a platform for Internet-based electronic services geared towards...
語系: English, Spanish
Evaluation of IFAD's capacity as a promoter of replicable innovations - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
六月 2002
Understanding at completion point1 Oververview of major finding Challenges. The extent to which IFAD can have a direct influence on innovation outside its own organizational boundaries and...
Royaume du Maroc: Projet de développement des parcours et de l'élevage dans l'Oriental (PDPEO)
五月 2002
Preambule Le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) avait consenti, au mois de décembre 1990, un prêt d'environ 140 millions de dirhams au Gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc (GRM) pour...
