

Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project
七月 2007
The Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management (CHARM) project design was highly relevant to the needs of the targeted communities. The substantial support for indigenous processes and...
IFAD’s rural Finance Policy - Corporate Level Evaluation
七月 2007
Corporate-level evaluation Rural finance. The rural poor – over 800 million people – require and use a variety of financial services. However, in most cases these services are inappropriate and...
IFAD’s Field Presence Pilot Programme - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
七月 2007
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction In 2006/07, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a Corporate-level Evaluation (CLE) of the Field Presence Pilot Programme (FPPP), requested by the...
IFAD’s Field Presence Pilot Programme
七月 2007
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction Background. In December 2003, at its eightieth session, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD's) Executive Board approved the three-year...
IFAD’s Rural Finance Policy - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
七月 2007
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) was drawn up at the end of the Corporate-level Evaluation (CLE) of IFAD's Rural Finance Policy (RFP) and operations....
Republic of Mali
六月 2007
The evaluation process IFAD's Office of Evaluation has undertaken a country programme evaluation (CPE) in Mali, with three main objectives: (i) evaluate the quality of the strategy pursued by IFAD...
語系: English, French
Republic of Georgia: Agricultural Development Project
六月 2007
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Completion evaluation Core Learning Partnership In 2006, IFAD's Office of Evaluation conducted a Completion Evaluation of the Agricultural Development...
Republic of Peru: Development of the Puno-Cusco Corridor Project
五月 2007
Interim evaluation1 Core learning partnership and evaluation users The Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has conducted an interim evaluation of the...
語系: English, Spanish
Republic of the Philippines - Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project - (CHARM)
五月 2007
Completion evaluation Background and Core Learning Partnership The Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management (CHARM) Project targeted Indigenous communities in three provinces of the...
Republic of Mozambique: Niassa Agricultural Development Project (NADP)
五月 2007
Introduction During the period 12 – 30 September 2005, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) fielded an Evaluation Mission (EM) to Mozambique in order to undertake the necessary field work for the...
Republic of the Niger: Special Country Programme – Phase II
五月 2007
Completion evaluation Evaluation approach and core learning partnership IFAD's Office of Evaluation undertook a completion evaluation of the Special Country Programme – Phase II (PSN-II) in the...
語系: English, French
United Republic of Tanzania: Participatory Irrigation Development Programme (PIDP)
United Republic of Tanzania  
五月 2007
Completion evaluation Background In 2006, the International Fund for Agricultural Development's (IFAD) Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a completion evaluation of the Participatory Irrigation...
Mongolia: Arhangai Rural Poverty Alleviation Project
五月 2007
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point The Core Learning Partnership and the users of the evaluation In 2005, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a completion evaluation of the Rural...
Agricultural Development Project (2007)
四月 2007
Completion evaluation 1 Introduction The economy. The ADP became effective in 1997 with the country still suffering from the abrupt withdrawal of Soviet Union capital at independence in 1991 and...
Niassa Agricultural Development Project (NADP) (2007)
四月 2007
Completion evaluation Project history and design The design process started in 1991 before the peace agreement in 1992. Appraisal was done in 1993, and in April 1994, IFAD's Executive Board...
Arhangai Rural Poverty Alleviation Project (2007)
四月 2007
Completion evaluation Introduction Background. After Mongolia joined IFAD in 1994, discussions between the Government of Mongolia (GOM) and the Fund led to the formulation of the first...
Mali Country Programme Evaluation (2007)
一月 2007
IFAD's assistance to Mali. Since 1982, IFAD has approved ten loans for a sum of almost US$126 million, making a total of US$280 million when combined with the contributions of the Government and...
語系: English, French
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2006
十二月 2006
This is the fourth Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) produced by the Office of Evaluation (OE). As in the past, the ARRI report consolidates and synthesizes the results...
Rural Development Project of the Mayan Communities in the Yucatan Peninsula (2006)
十二月 2006
Completion evaluation Introduction Background of the evaluation. The loan for the Rural Development Project of the Mayan Communities in the Yucatan Peninsula was approved by the Executive Board of...
語系: English, Spanish
Fouta Djallon Agricultural Rehabilitation and Local Development Programme (PRAADEL) (2005)
十二月 2006
Interim Evaluation1 The purpose of the interim evaluation mission (IEM) – required under IFAD policy – was to determine whether the programme results and impact warrant pursuing the project and, if...
語系: English, French
Upper East Region Land Conservation and Smallholder Rehabilitation Project - Phase II (2006)
十月 2006
Interim Evaluation Introduction In accordance with the Evaluation Policy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted an Interim...
Economic Development of Poor Rural Communities Project (2006)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
九月 2006
Interim Evaluation1 Background. PRODECOP was approved by the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in September 1996 (Loan 427-VE). The loan entered into...
語系: English, Spanish
Southwest Anhui Integrated Agricultural Project (2006)
九月 2006
Completion Evaluation1 Introduction The completion evaluation mission is conceived as an independent yet consultative exercise and designed as a service to the Southwest Anhui Integrated...
Upper West Agricultural Development Project (2006)
九月 2006
Interim Evaluation In accordance with the Evaluation Policy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Upper...
Evaluation of IFAD’s regional strategy in Asia and the Pacific (EVEREST)
七月 2006
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) adopted its Regional Strategy in Asia and the Pacific in March 2002, which was the first time that the Fund coherently developed and...
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation (2006)
七月 2006
Background1 Since joining the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in 1981 and up to the end of 2004, the Government of Rwanda has borrowed USD 120 million from IFAD (which...
語系: English, French
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh: Country Programme Evaluation
七月 2006
Country Programme Evaluation 1 This document records an agreement between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) on the recommendations...
United Mexican States: country programme evaluation
七月 2006
The Core Learning Partnership The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) was originally set up in early 2005 and has supported the programme evaluation throughout the process up to this agreement. At the...
語系: English, Spanish
Evaluation of IFAD’s regional strategy in Asia and the Pacific (EVEREST) - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
七月 2006
Corporate-level evaluation Introduction The Office of Evaluation (OE) undertook the evaluation of IFAD's Regional Strategy in Asia and the Pacific (EVEREST) in 2005/2006. The full EVEREST report...
Republic of Guinea - Fouta Djallon Agricultural Rehabilitation and Local Development Programme - (PRAADEL)
六月 2006
Interim Evaluation 1 Introduction The Fouta Djallon Agricultural Rehabilitation and Local Development Programme (PRAADEL) will reach completion at the end of 2006, and the Republic of Guinea and...
語系: English, French
