Latest reports - IOE
Republic of Ghana: upper West agricultural development project
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation1 The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation In 2005, the Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for...
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: economic development of poor rural communities project (PRODECOP)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Interim evaluation 1 The core learning partnership and the user of the evaluation The Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted an interim...
語系: English, Spanish
Republic of India - North Eastern Region community resource management project for upland areas
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim Evaluation Background The Office of Evaluation (OE) of IFAD carried out an evaluation of the North Eastern Region Community Resource Management...
United Mexican States - Development Project of the Mayan communities in the Yucatan Peninsula
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Completion evaluation1 Core learning partnership and evaluation users The Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)...
語系: English, Spanish
Extract at completion point: People’s Republic of China - Southwest Anhui integrated agricultural development
Project completion evaluation Introduction The Southwest Anhui Integrated Agricultural Development Project (SWAIADP) co-funded by the Government of China, the International Fund for Agricultural...
North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project for Upland Areas (2006)
Interim Evaluation1 The independent interim evaluation of the North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project for Upland Areas (NERCRMP) was undertaken as a standard procedure in the...
Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation (2006)
Rationale and background. The People's Republic of Bangladesh has received 22 loans from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) since 1979, more than any other country. It ranks...
United Mexican States country programme evaluation (2006)
Introducción 1 En consulta con las autoridades mexicanas, el Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA) ha decidido realizar una evaluación de su programa en el país (EPP), desde el inicio...
語系: English, Spanish
Annual Report on the Results and Impact 2005
This is the third Annual Report on the Results and Impact of IFAD’s Operations (ARRI) produced by the Office of Evaluation (OE). As in previous years, this ARRI consolidates and synthesizes the...
Peasant Development Fund Credit Project (2005)
Introduction Background. The loan for the Peasant Development Fund Credit Project – Eastern Region of Paraguay was approved by the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural...
語系: English, Spanish
Income - Generating Activities Project (2005)
Interim evaluation The Benin Income-Generating Activities Project (IGAP), approved by IFAD's Executive Board in December 1995, formally started on 13 September 1996 with the signing of the...
語系: English, French
Integrated Agricultural and Rural Development Project in the Governorate of Siliana (2004)
Interim evaluation 1 The overall objective of the Integrated Agricultural Development Project in the Governorate of Siliana (PDARI), initiated in 1997 as part of the national and regional strategy...
語系: English, French
Special Country Programme, Phase II (SCP II) (2005)
Interim evaluation Introduction 1 The aim of the Special Country Programme (SCP) Phase II, building on that of Phase I which was conducted in Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's...
Rural Finance and Community Initiatives Project (2005)
Gambia (The)
Interim evaluation report 1 Introduction The Interim Evaluation of the RFCIP is being conducted prior to the consideration of a second phase of the project. The evaluation mission visited The...
Direct supervision pilot programme
Background. In February 1997, the IFAD Governing Council adopted resolution 102/XX on Loan Administration and Supervision of Project Implementation, together with a Five-Year Plan of Action. The...
Republic of Bolivia: Country programme evaluation
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Country programme evaluation Members of the Core Learning Partnership The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) included: Mr Diego Montenegro, Minister of Agriculture; Mr Gustavo Pedraza, Minister of...
語系: English, Spanish
Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reduction in Asia: People's Republic of China
Agreement at completion point Process and evaluation partnerships Between 2001 and 2002, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a...
Thematic evaluation: Rural Financial Services in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States - Agreement at Completion Point
Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Georgia Republic of Moldova Romania Republic of North Macedonia
Background and introduction IFAD has been involved in the Central and Eastern Europe and Newly Independent States (CEN) region since the early 1990s, following the start of the political and...
Rwanda Country Programme Evaluation - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point (2005)
Country Programme Evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation From February until October 2005, the Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural...
語系: English, French
Arab Republic of Egypt: Country programme evaluation
Country programme evaluation The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation The Agreement at Completion Point (ACP), which is the end point of the evaluation process, records the...
The Gambia: rural finance and community initiatives project (RFCIP)
Gambia (The)
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation Introduction In 2004, the Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted an Interim Evaluation of the Rural Finance and Community Initiatives...
Republic of Ghana: upper East region land conservation and smallholder rehabilitation project (LACOSREP) - Phase II
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Interim evaluation1 The core learning partnership and the users of the evaluation In 2005, the Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for...
Independent External Evaluation - Information Training and Development (ITAD) of IFAD (IEE)
Information Training and Development (ITAD) ITAD ITAD capability statement ITAD website IEE team and consultants' CVs IEE team capability Team leader and three senior experts Pool of 12...
Provisional IEE work plan
The table below presents IEE work plan which includes the main dates of key IEE activities undertaken between December 2003 and April 2005. Task 1: Inception Phase Report Start 1 December 2003 End...
Independent External Evaluation of IFAD (IEE) - Photographs
IFAD operations selected for IEE study, January 2004 Signing the IFAD/ITAD contract, December 2003
Independent External Evaluation (IEE) - Newsletters and Bulletins
IFAD operations selected for IEE study, January 2004 IEE Bulletin from President of IFAD, December 2003 IEE Newsletter Issue no. 1, December 2003
Independent External Evaluation of IFAD (IEE) - Documents
Terms of reference Final Report of the Independent External Evaluation (IEE) of IFAD (includes the relevant excerpt of the minutes of the Eighty-Fourth Session of the Executive Board) Arabic |...
Organic Agriculture and Poverty Reduction in Asia: Republic of India
Agreement at completion point Process and evaluation partnerships Between 2001 and 2002, the Office of Evaluation (OE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) conducted a...
IFAD's performance and impact in decentralizing environments: experiences from Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda
Ethiopia Uganda United Republic of Tanzania
Introduction and the core learning partnership (CLP) In 2004, IFAD's Office of Evaluation (OE) conducted a thematic evaluation on decentralisation focusing on Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. The...
Tunisia: Projet de développement agricole et rural intégré de Siliana (PDARI)
Évaluation intermédiaire 1 Principales constatations, recommandations et suivi convenu Iintermédiaire du Projet de développement agricole rural intégré (PDARI) de Siliana. Un partenariat clé...