Latest reports - IOE
Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project
Project performance evaluation The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD has prepared a performance evaluation report on the "Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project" in Rwanda. The...
Kenya Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
This is the second country strategy and programme evaluation carried out in Kenya by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD. It reviews the past seven years of work that IFAD has undertaken...
Rural Finance and Enterprise Development Programme
The Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) has prepared a performance evaluation report on the "Rural Finance and Enterprise Development Programme (RFEDP)" in the Kingdom of Eswatini. The...
Burkina Faso Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Burkina Faso
The results of the evaluation show that IFAD-supported projects enhanced agricultural productivity and food security by improving agricultural practices for food crops (maize, millet and sorghum)...
語系: English, French
Tunisia country strategy and programme evaluation
This is the second country strategy and programme evaluation conducted by IOE in Tunisia. The evaluation covers six projects implemented between 2003 and 2018, which contributed to improve living...
語系: English, French
Smallholder Plantations Entrepreneurship Development Programme
Sri Lanka
Project performance evaluation The Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) has prepared a performance evaluation report on the "Smallholder Plantations Entrepreneurship Development Programme...
Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca)
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has conducted a performance evaluation on the "Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca) ”...
語系: English, Spanish
Kenya: Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme
Impact Evaluation The Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme mainly targeted smallholder horticultural farmers that produce for the domestic market, input suppliers (stockists), produce...
Northern Region Sustainable Livelihoods through Livestock Development Project
Lao People's Democratic Republic
ADB and IFAD Joint Project Performance Evaluation This is the first joint project performance evaluation conducted by the independent offices of evaluation of ADB and IFAD. The Independent...
Georgia Country strategy and programme evaluation
This is the first country strategy and programme evaluation carried out in Georgia by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the partnership between...
2018 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations
The 2018 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations (ARRI) presents a synthesis of IFAD’s performance and highlights results and systemic issues from independent evaluations conducted...
IFAD’s financial architecture
The overarching purpose of the corporate-level evaluation on IFAD’s financial architecture is to independently assess how IFAD creates value for Member States through sound investment decisions and...
Projet d'hydraulique pastorale en zone sahélienne
D'une manière générale, le projet a contribué à la diminution du niveau de vulnérabilité des populations cibles avec, par exemple, des actions de sécurisation de la transhumance pastorale associées...
語系: English, French
República del Perú - Evaluación de la Estrategia y el Programa en el País
Esta es la primera Evaluación de la Estrategia y el Programa en el País (EEPP) que la Oficina de Evaluación Independiente del FIDA realiza en el Perú. La evaluación abarca el período 2002-2016, e...
語系: English, Spanish
Republic of Angola Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
IFAD began operations in Angola in 1989. In 2005, only three years after the end of almost 30 years of civil war, IFAD and the Government of the Republic of Angola signed a Country Strategic...
Rural Development Project in the Eastern Middle Atlas
The Rural Development Project in the Eastern Middle Atlas (PDRMO), implemented in Morocco between 2007 and 2015, was mainly oriented towards alleviating rural poverty by diversifying and increasing...
語系: English, French
Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions
According to UNDP’s Report on Human Development, in 2005, nearly 71.3 per cent of the population and 80.5 per cent of the rural population in Madagascar lived in poverty. With these data in mind,...
語系: English, French
Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme
Implemented between 2005 and 2015, the Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme in the Republic of Ghana aimed to build up competitive, market-based and inclusive commodity chains for...
Market Strengthening and Livelihood Diversification in the Southern Highlands Project
Project performance evaluation The "Market Strengthening and Livelihood Diversification in the Southern Highlands Project" is part of a virtuous circle of creativity and innovation by IFAD in Peru....
語系: English, Spanish
Kingdom of Cambodia Country strategy and programme evaluation
The evaluation reviewed the evolution of the country strategy and programme since the Fund started operations in 1996, but with a focus on the last decade. When IFAD started operations, the country...
Pro-Poor Partnerships for Agroforestry Development Project
Viet Nam
The project was implemented in Bac Kan, an upland province in Northern Viet Nam, with a mostly indigenous population. The province, which has limited agricultural land, relatively undeveloped...
Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Project
The Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Project had a well-rounded developmental focus to improve the living conditions of poor rural households by strengthening their human, social and...
Republic of Cameroon Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
This is the first country programme evaluation of Cameroon conducted by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) and it covers the partnership between the Government and IFAD from 2007 to...
語系: English, French
Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has conducted an evaluation synthesis on building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and...
Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme
The programme made substantial progress in achieving its land restoration targets in spite of frequent disruptions due to the challenging context. It restored over 10,700 dunums (1,070 hectares) of...
Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri
Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri in the Kingdom of Cambodia The project - designed at a time when close to half of the country’s population suffered...
Rural Financial Intermediation Programme (2017)
One of the main achievements of the programme was transforming Lesotho Post Bank into a self-reliant financial intermediary with a full banking license, and expanding rural credit and savings...
Mozambique Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
During the period under evaluation, IFAD provided six loans to Mozambique, for a total value of US$ 239 million. The evaluation found a positive impact which included significant capacity...
Rural Microfinance Development Support Project
Project performance evaluation The overall approach of the Rural Microfinance Development Support Project was to support microfinance institutions in order to improve rural people’s access to...
語系: English, French
Arab Republic of Egypt Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
This evaluation covers the IFAD-supported country programme and strategy in Egypt for the period 2005 to 2016. Egypt is the largest borrower among the 22 countries in the Near East and North Africa...
2017 Annual Report on Results And Impact of IFAD operations
Every year, since 2003, the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD produces the Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI). This 15th edition of the ARRI highlights results,...
Georgia: Agricultural Support Project
Impact evaluation The overall objective of the Agricultural Support Project was to increase the incomes of the rural poor through commercially viable agricultural and rural enterprises. The project...
IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD has just released the evaluation synthesis “IFAD’s Country-level Policy Dialogue”. The synthesis examines IFAD's engagement with partner governments...
Nicaragua Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
The IFAD-supported country programme has made significant contributions to rural development in Nicaragua. To address the rapidly changing institutional framework, IFAD has introduced flexibility...
National Rural Development Programme – Phase I: Western Region (2017)
The programme objectives were to significantly reduce poverty and prevent exclusion and discrimination among the poorest indigenous and non-indigenous populations of the Western Region of Guatemala...
Post-Tsunami Coastal Rehabilitation and Resource Management Programme (2017)
Sri Lanka
The goal of the programme was to restore the assets of women and men directly or indirectly affected by the tsunami and to re-establish the foundation of their previous economic activities, while...
Philippines Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
This country strategy and programme evaluation covers the IFAD-Government partnership under the two country strategies of 1999 and 2009. IFAD's portfolio in the Philippines has been a mix of...
Post-Tsunami Agricultural and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme
Project Performance Evaluation The Post-Tsunami Agricultural and Fisheries Rehabilitation Programme in the Republic of Maldives was implemented between 2005 and 2013. The programme aimed to...
IFAD’s Support to Scaling Up of Results
Evaluation synthesis IFAD defines scaling up as "expanding, adapting and supporting successful policies, programmes and knowledge, so that they can leverage resources and partners to deliver larger...
National Agricultural Technology and Training Programme: Technical Assistance Fund
The objective of the programme was to improve the production and marketing capacity of rural enterprises of small- and medium-scale producers through sustainable access to technical assistance...
Rural Livelihoods Support Programme (2017)
Project Performance Evaluation The objective of the Rural Livelihoods Support Programme in the Republic of Malawi was to sustainably reduce poverty through the promotion of on- and off-farm and...
West Noubaria Rural Development Project
Project Performance Evaluation The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) undertook a project performance evaluation of the West Noubaria Rural Development Project in the Arab Republic of...
What works for gender equality and women’s empowerment – a review of practices and results
Evaluation synthesis The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has just released the evaluation synthesis report “What works for gender equality and women’s empowerment – a review of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
Democratic Republic of the Congo
This Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation for the Democratic Republic of the Congo covers the period 2003 to 2015 and five projects for which IFAD has committed about US$156 million.Since the...
語系: English, French
Republic of Mozambique: Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project
Impact Evaluation The Sofala Bank Artisanal Fisheries Project focused on community development, fisheries development, markets, financial services and policy support. It targeted about 500,000...
IFAD’s Decentralization Experience
Corporate-level Evaluation The Independent Office of Evaluation conducted a corporate-level evaluation of IFAD’s decentralization experience in 2016, covering the period from 2003 through mid-2016....
Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in Orientale Province
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme in Orientale Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was implemented in a context of serious hardship. It took strategic measures that had rapid...
2016 Annual Report on Results And Impact of IFAD operations
The 2016 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) draws from 40 independent, impartial and rigorous evaluations carried out in 2015. This year’s report assesses results against...
Smallholder Access to Markets: Evaluation Synthesis
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) undertook an evaluation synthesis on smallholder farmers' access to markets. The exercise was based on a desk review, mainly IOE evaluations...
Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme
The Rural Microenterprise Promotion Programme (RuMEPP) in the Republic of the Philippine implemented between 2006 and 2013, sought to address two main areas of impediments to microenterprise...
India Country Programme Evaluation
Since 1979, IFAD has invested more than US$928 million in 27 programmes and projects in India, with a total cost of $2.6 billion when cofinancing is included, directly benefitting 4.4 million...
The Gambia Country Programme Evaluation
Gambia (The)
The evaluation finds that the partnership between IFAD and the Government of The Gambia has been highly valued, reflecting mutual trust and cordial relations. The project objectives and designs are...
Nigeria Country Programme Evaluation
Over the last 30 years, IFAD has supported ten projects in Nigeria for a total cost of US$795.3 million, of which IFAD has provided US$317.9 million. This is the second country programme evaluation...
Finance for Enterprise Development and Employment Creation Project
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with a population density of 1,174 inhabitants per in 2011. Depending on the source, rural poverty stood between 43 and...
Ethiopia Country Programme Evaluation
Country Programme Evaluation This is the second country programme evaluation conducted by Independent Office of Evaluation in Ethiopia and it covers eight years of IFAD's operations (2007-2015)...
United Republic of Tanzania: Country Programme Evaluation -Extract of Agreement at Completion Point (2015)
United Republic of Tanzania
Introduction The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) carried out a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in 2014. This is the second CPE conducted by IOE in the United Republic of Tanzania...
Environment and Natural Resource Management: Evaluation Synthesis
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD has reviewed the Fund's support of Environment and Natural Resource Management (ENRM) through an examination of 72 evaluations conducted between 2010...
Non-lending Activities in the Context of South-South Cooperation: Evaluation Synthesis
Support to South-South cooperation (SSC) has been a high priority for IFAD and its Member States since the consultation process of the Eighth Replenishment of IFAD's Resources. The Independent...
Rural Diversification Programme
The goal of IFAD's Rural Diversification Programme in Mauritius was to (i) broaden the income and resource base of the target population of small and marginal planters, fishermen, unemployed,...
Oasis Sustainable Development Programme
The overall goal of the Oasis Sustainable Development Programme was to promote oasis development by enabling the empowerment of oasis communities to participate effectively in the pursuit of the...
語系: English, French
Republic of Turkey Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
Introduction A. Introduction 1. This is the first country programme evaluation (CPE) undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) of the IFAD-Turkey partnership....
Turkey Country Programme Evaluation
Over the last 30 years, IFAD has supported 10 projects in Turkey for a total of cost of US$661.1 million, of which IFAD has provided $189 million. Activities have directly benefited 1.3 million...
IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System
Overview IFAD’s Performance-based Allocation System Corporate-level Evaluation Background Since it was introduced by IFAD's Executive Board in 2003, the Performance-based Allocation System (PBAS)...
Pastoral Community Development Project II
The Pastoral Community Development Project in Ethiopia successfully introduced community-driven development, which was key in empowering pastoralist communities. Overall, the project performed...
Environment Conservation and Poverty-Reduction Programme in Ningxia and Shanxi
The Environment Conservation and Poverty-Reduction Programme in Ningxia and Shanxi aimed at sustainable and equitable poverty reduction for 300,000 vulnerable rural households living in an...
Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project
The Microfinance and Microenterprise Development Project in Djibouti aimed to establish a viable network of savings and credit unions; promote microenterprises services and develop sustainable...
語系: English, French
Agricultural Investments and Services Project
The most relevant achievement of the Agricultural Investments and Services Project in the Kyrgyz Republic was the advance made with the pasture reform. In particular, the project contributed to...
People’s Republic of Bangladesh: Country Programme Evaluation
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction The IFAD Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) carried out a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) in Bangladesh 2014. This is the third CPE...
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development Joint Evaluation Synthesis. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural...
Federative Republic of Brazil: Country Programme Evaluation - Agreement at Completion Point (2015)
Extract of Agreement at Completion Point Introduction This is the second country programme evaluation (CPE) undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of IFAD of the IFAD-Brazil...
IFAD’s Engagement in Middle-income Countries: Evaluation Synthesis
The evaluation synthesis concludes that there is a solid cause for IFAD’s continued engagement in middle-income countries (MICs). In fact, IFAD remains a relevant and highly valued partner for...
Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme
The Community-based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme was one of the biggest and most influential IFAD loan operations in Nigeria. It was based in the North - one of the poorest parts of...
Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation
This is the third evaluation of IFAD's country programme in Bangladesh undertaken by the Independent Office of Evaluation. Bangladesh is among the top three recipients of IFAD funding in the Asia...
IFAD's Engagement with Indigenous Peoples: Evaluation Synthesis
IFAD has been financing projects in support of indigenous peoples since 1979, in particular in Latin America and Asia. According to United Nations estimates, there are more than 370 million...