

Support Project for Small Producers in the Semi-Arid Zones of Falcom and Lara States (2003)
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
四月 2003
Project interim Evaluation1 Background to the evaluation The PROSALAFA project was approved by the IFAD Executive Board in April 1991. The date of effectiveness of the loan was May 1993 and the...
語系: English, Spanish
Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project
United Republic of Tanzania  
三月 2003
The evaluation was mounted by OE at the request of the Belgian Survival Fund with a two-fold objective: to assess and document Project impact and sustainability; and to develop insights and...
Evaluation of IFAD's technical assistance grants programme for agricultural research
十二月 2002
Executive Summary I. Introduction 1. The Strategic Framework for IFAD 2002-2006 (SF) identifies "Improving Access to Productive Natural Resource and Technology" as one of the three strategic...
Tunisia Country Programme Evaluation
十二月 2002
The overall objective of the country programme evaluation in Tunisia was to draw lessons from over 20 years of project experiences (1980-2002) as a contribution to guiding future IFAD strategy in...
語系: English, French
United Republic of Tanzania Country Programme Evaluation
United Republic of Tanzania  
十二月 2002
The purpose of this country programme evaluation was to provide building blocks to update the country strategic opportunities programme for the United Republic of Tanzania and, in particular, to:...
Northern regions livestock development project
十月 2002
Interim Evaluation Rural households have become more involved in identifying priority areas for investment and have begun to contribute towards the costs involved and to manage capital assets...
Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Highlands Project
九月 2002
Interim Evaluation In 1993, a General Identification Mission for Peru recommended that two projects be carried out: one whose objective would be management of productive natural resources in the...
語系: English, Spanish
Northern Regions Livestock Development Project (2002)
九月 2002
Interim Evaluation Introduction The Northern Regions Livestock Development Project (NOLIDEP) is one of the first to be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development...
Network of IFAD-Supported Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA) - Phase II - TAG 310A
六月 2002
The FIDAMERICA network is a very ambitious regional programme of IFAD's Latin America and the Caribbean Division that offers a platform for Internet-based electronic services geared towards...
語系: English, Spanish
Evaluation of IFAD's capacity as a promoter of replicable innovations - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
六月 2002
Understanding at completion point1 Oververview of major finding Challenges. The extent to which IFAD can have a direct influence on innovation outside its own organizational boundaries and...
Royaume du Maroc: Projet de développement des parcours et de l'élevage dans l'Oriental (PDPEO)
五月 2002
Preambule Le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA) avait consenti, au mois de décembre 1990, un prêt d'environ 140 millions de dirhams au Gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc (GRM) pour...
The independent State of Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea  
五月 2002
Country programme evaluation Participatory evaluation with PNG core learning partnership IFAD's Office of Evaluation and Studies, in October 2000, per agreement with the Government of Papua New...
Democratic socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka  
五月 2002
Country programme evaluation Three insights This Agreement at Completion Point (ACP) is an understanding among core partners in the Country Programme Evaluation to adopt and use the insights and...
Republic of Peru: management of natural resources in the southern highlands project (MARENASS)
五月 2002
After four years of work under MARENASS, two conclusions can be reached: first, to achieve success in the fight against poverty under the conditions that prevail in the Peruvian highland region,...
語系: English, Spanish
République de Guinée - projet de développement des petites exploitations en Guinée Forestière (PDPEF)
五月 2002
Compte tenu de la richesse de l'expérience du PDPEF, des acquis prometteurs de certains volets, de la forte demande exprimée par les populations et de l'ampleur du défi agricole et écologique dans...
Livestock and Pasture Development Project in the Eastern Region
五月 2002
Interim Evaluation The project’s main objectives were to improve incomes and living conditions for subsistence farmers and to halt environmental degradation. It targeted farmers using traditional...
語系: English, French
Second Agricultural Rehabilitation Project
三月 2002
Mid-term evaluation The project is national in scope, but concentrated on high priority areas to the benefit of the majority of agricultural and fishery small-scale producers. Given the...
Sri Lanka Country Programme Evaluation
Sri Lanka  
一月 2002
IFAD-supported interventions have, in general, targeted provinces with the highest incidence of poverty. Achievements in terms of infrastructure, agricultural development and credit have been...
Evaluation of IFAD’s capacity as a promoter of replicable innovation
十二月 2001
Abbreviations and acronyms CBOs Community-Based Organizations CENTRIM Centre for Research in Innovation Management CLP Core Learning Partnership ECP Extended Cooperation Programme ED Economic...
The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2002)
Papua New Guinea  
十二月 2001
Regarding the adverse effects of chronic malnutrition (stunting), Partha Dasgupta in his An Inquiry into Well-being and Destitution states that beyond efforts to provide emergency and food relief...
Rural Development Project for Ngöbe-Buglé Communities, Panama
十二月 2001
Interim Evaluation The project was successful on several fronts: intensive training provided crucial support for social organisation; beneficiaries got involved in project planning and management;...
語系: English, Spanish
Thematic Study on Rural Financial Services in China
十二月 2001
IFAD projects provided loans to between 20 and 66 percent of rural households in the project areas. The main project activities promoted through micro credit were grain production, horticulture,...
Bokeo Food Security Project
Lao People's Democratic Republic  
十二月 2001
Laos is landlocked; 80% of the country is mountainous and around only 3% is cultivated. The major determinant of poverty is the degree of self-sufficiency in rice production and the primary...
Agricultural Resources Management Project
十二月 2001
Mid-term Evaluation Increased soil and water conservation has resulted in higher productivity levels from natural resources, bringing benefits and economic growth to the 4 041 farmers originally...
North West Agricultural Services Project
十二月 2001
Completion evaluation The IFAD Office of Evaluations and Studies carried out a Completion Evaluation (CE) of the IFAD-financed North West Agricultural Services Project (NWASP) in Armenia from...
Agricultural Development Programme for the Western region
九月 2001
Through the Agricultural Development Programme for the Western region, Honduras, 731 micro-entrepreneurs and 9,773 small producers (68 percent men, 32 percent women) received technical assistance –...
語系: English, Spanish
Viet Nam Country Programme Review and Evaluation (2001)
Viet Nam  
八月 2001
Principal CPRE recommendations Strategic The CPRE broadly confirmed the validity of IFAD strategy in Vietnam with its clear emphasis on targeting the poorest of the poor through the development of...
Syrian Arab Republic Country Programme Evaluation
Syrian Arab Republic  
八月 2001
Background and Rationale The IFAD Near East and North Africa Division (PN) is planning to prepare a new country strategic opportunities paper (COSOP) for Syria in 2001 to launch a new ...
Network of IFAD-supported projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA) - Phase II
七月 2001
FIDAMERICA Network Phase II Programme achieved significant results in the context of both its general and specific objectives. These indicate that the execution of a third phase, beginning with the...
Republic of Armenia: North West agricultural services project
六月 2001
The findings, recommendations and follow-up actions from the Completion Evaluation of the North West Agricultural Services Project that have been agreed by the members of the Core Learning...
Andhra Pradesh tribal development project - Extract of Agreement at Completion Point
五月 2001
Five insights This agreement reflects an understanding among the core partners at the completion point of the completion evaluation process to adopt and use the learning and recommendations from...
Honduras: evaluación preterminal - programa de desarrollo rural de la Región de Occidente (Plandero)
五月 2001
La significativa heterogeneidad de la población rural pobre requiere líneas de acción diferenciadas que sean compatibles con los problemas y potencialidades específicos de diferentes tipos de...
Republic of Panama: rural development project for Ngöbe-Buglé communities
五月 2001
The Rural Development Project for Ngöbe-Buglé Communities was launched in March 1994 and will end in December 2001. Its design and execution have yielded lessons that will undoubtedly be of use for...
The Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic  
五月 2001
Country programme evaluation The IFAD Near East and North Africa Division (PN) is planning to prepare a new country strategic opportunities paper (COSOP) for Syria in 2001 to launch a new...
Rural financial services in China
五月 2001
Core learning partners The Core Learning Partnership (CLP) in China extended from the central agencies in Beijing to the Provinces. In Beijing, the CLP comprised representatives of the Ministry of...
Lao People's Democratic Republic - Bokeo food security project
Lao People's Democratic Republic  
四月 2001
Interim evaluation Recommendations an Agreed Follow Up Measures This agreement reflects an understanding among the core partners1 at completion point of the Bokeo Food Security Project to adopt and...
Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development Project
四月 2001
Completion Evaluation The project brought about changes in tribal development, allowing a multi-stakeholder approach with a specific focus on tribal people. The shift in focus from the limited...
Rural Development Project for Ngöbe-Buglé Communities (2001)
四月 2001
Interim Evaluation An innovative and complex project The Rural Development Project for Ngöbe Communities was an innovative project in that it included an ethnic rights objective-legal recognition...
Smallholder Agricultural Development Project (2001)
四月 2001
Interim Evaluation Background Objectives, components and project area The Project aims at improving the incomes and food security of Swaziland's disadvantaged smallholder families, particularly...
Rural Enterprises Project (2000)
十二月 2000
Interim Evaluation During the period June-July 2000, the IFAD Office of Evaluation and Studies carried out an Interim Evaluation of the Rural Enterprises Project financed by IFAD in Ghana. The IFAD...
Nampula Artisanal Fisheries Project (2000)
九月 2000
Interim evaluation Introduction - the project The Nampula Artisanal Fisheries Project (NAFP) was formulated during 1991-92, whilst Mozambique was still in the throes of civil war, appraised in...
Evaluation of the IFAD/NGO extended cooperation programme
七月 2000
The report of the above-mentioned evaluation was discussed at a meeting attended by all in-house partners concerned (PD, ED, OE and NGOs focal points) on 7 July 2000. The partners agreed on the...
India: Completion evaluation of the Tamil Nadu women's development project
七月 2000
Financial operations Sarasu is from Kayathur Village in South Arcot District. She has a long history of domestic and marital problems and experience of extreme poverty, with seven children to bring...
Republic of Ghana: rural enterprises project
六月 2000
Extract of Agreement at Completion point Interim evaluation In preparation for a possible second phase of the Rural Enterprises Project requested by the Government of Ghana (GOG), the International...
Republic of Uganda: completion evaluation of Masindi district integrated community development project
五月 2000
Key lessons and recommendations This section discusses the key lessons that were drawn from Masindi experience by the evaluation learning partnership. It is focusing on those that have wider and...
Republique de Madagascar: evaluation intermediaire du projet de mise en valeur du haut Bassin du Mandrare (PHBM)
五月 2000
Le Projet de Mise en Valeur du Haut Bassin du Mandrare (PHBM) est entré en vigueur à la fin du mois de décembre 1995 pour une durée de 5 ans. Le projet, au Sud de Madagascar, est financé par un...
Tamil Nadu Women's Development Project - Completion Evaluation (2000)
四月 2000
Completion Evaluation Introduction The Executive Board approved the IFAD-initiated Tamil Nadu Women's Development Project (TNWDP) in April 1989. The project became effective in January 1990 and...
Programme for Strengthening the Regional Capacity for Evaluation of RuralPoverty-Alleviation Projects
十二月 1999
Interim Evaluation Executive Summary The Programme for Strengthening the Regional Capacity for Evaluation of Rural Poverty-Alleviation Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (PREVAL) covers...
Projet de Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord-Guéra - Phase I (1999)
十二月 1999
Évaluation intermédiare La zone d'intervention du Projet de sécurité alimentaire au Nord-Guéra (PSANG) comprend les trois sous-préfectures septentrionales du Guéra (Bitkine, Mongo et Magalmé), au...
Development for Marginal Rural Communities in the Ixtelra Region (1999)
十月 1999
Interim evaluation Introduction The Ixtlera region is a semi-arid area covering 155 000 square kilometres in north-eastern Mexico, spanning parts of the states of San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas,...
語系: English, Spanish
India: completion evaluation of Orissa development project: seven lessons learned
五月 1999
Introduction The tribal communities are among the most underprivileged people of India. They are severely impacted by poverty and its manifestations, such as low levels of literacy and health care,...
Evaluation Intermediaire du Projet de Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord-Guéra (PSANG, Phase 1) (1999)
一月 1999
Resumé valide par les partenaires du Psang des principales leçons tirées de l'evaluation de la première phase et des orientations proposées pour une second phase La validation des conclusions et...
Poverty Alleviation Training in Asia and the PacificRegion
十二月 1998
Interim Evaluation Executive Summary The target group for PATAP is: (i) project staff engaged in IFAD projects; (ii) farmers representing the beneficiaries in these projects; (iii) the sectoral...
Venezuela: Programa Regional y Nacional de Capacitación en Desarrollo Rural
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)  
十二月 1998
Fundación para la Capacitación e Investigación Aplicada a la ReformaAgraria (CIARA): (TAG231) El Programa, aprobado a fines de 1991 por la Junta Ejecutiva del FIDA, se ha estado implementando a...
語系: English, Spanish
Proyecto de Desarrollo y Consolidación de las Colonias de PequeñosAgricultores en el Departamento de Santa Cruz (PRODEPA) (1998)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)  
十月 1998
El Proyecto de Desarrollo y Consolidación de las Colonias de Pequeños Agricultores en el Departamento de Santa Cruz (PRODEPA) fue identificado por la Misión Especial de Programación del Fondo...
語系: English, Spanish
Upper East Region Land Conservation and Smallhoder Rehabilitation Project (LACOSREP) (1998)
九月 1998
Interim evaluation Ghana has a total area of about 240 000 km2, of which the Upper East Region (UER) covers about 8 800 (3.7 % ) in the Northeast corner. The total population with annual growth...
Smallholders' Agricultural Development Project in the ParacentralRegion (1998)
El Salvador  
九月 1998
Interim evaluation Project design and objectives Target group In the appraisal document (1990), the target group was estimated at 21 000 farmers having holdings of less than four hectares; 77% of...
語系: English, Spanish
Mauritania Evaluation du portefeuille de projets du FIDA
八月 1998
Cette évaluation du portefeuille de projets financés par le FIDA en Mauritanie est la septième du genre. Comme les précédentes, elle répond au besoin du Fonds de comprendre, en longue durée, dans...
語系: English, French
Network of IFAD-supported Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (FIDAMERICA)
六月 1998
Interim evaluation Although the server, the coordinator and the support staff are all located in Santiago, Chile, the project area covers the entire region of Latin America and the Caribbean....
語系: English, Spanish
Pakistan Country Portfolio Evaluation
五月 1998
Evaluation purpose and scope This is the fourth evaluation1 in a series of Country Portfolio Evaluations (CPEs), which the Executive Board of the International Fund for Agricultural Development...
Northern Zone Agricultural Credit Development Project
Costa Rica  
三月 1998
Completion evaluation Project area The Northern Zone Agricultural Credit Development Project initially covered the cantons of Upala and Guatuso in the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica's Huetar...
語系: English, Spanish
Orissa Tribal Development Project
三月 1998
Completion Evaluation Introduction The IFAD Completion Evaluation (CE) mission of the Orissa Tribal Development Project (OTDP) visited India from 9 to 21 November 1998. The objectives of the...
Small-Scale Agricultural Development Project - Ex-post Evaluation (1997)
十二月 1997
Ex-post Evaluation August 1997 Executive Summary THE OBJECTIVE OF THE EX-POST EVALUATION MISSION So far the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has financed only one project in...
Technical Assistance Grant for Poverty Alleviation Training in Asia and the PacificRegion
十二月 1997
Interim Evaluation Exectuive Summary In April 1996 the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) recommended that the Executive Board approve a new...
語系: English, Spanish
North Western Province Agricultural Development Project - Mid-term evaluation (1997)
十二月 1997
Mid-term Evaluation Project design and objectives Target group The target group represents medium- and low-income groups categorised as semi-commercial and subsistence farmers. This target group,...
Smallholder Development Project for Marginal Areas (1997)
United Republic of Tanzania  
十二月 1997
Interim evaluation Purpose and objectives of the evaluation The overall aim of the evaluation was to review the implementation performance of those IFAD-financed projects in Tanzania containing...
Southern Roseires Agricultural Production (1997) Mid-term Evaluation
十月 1997
Project design and objectives Target group There are no accurate data concerning the population of the project area. At the time of the last census held in 1983, the settled population was 24 400...
Soil and Water Conservation and Agroforestry Programme (SWaCAP) (1997)
九月 1997
Focused evaluation The Kingdom of Lesotho, which is surrounded entirely by the Republic of South Africa (RSA), has an area of about 30 600 km2. About 18%, 18%, 51% and 13% of Lesotho is classified...
