

Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Project
五月 2018
The Rural Enterprise and Agricultural Development Project had a well-rounded developmental focus to improve the living conditions of poor rural households by strengthening their human, social and...
Republic of Cameroon Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
四月 2018
This is the first country programme evaluation of Cameroon conducted by the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) and it covers the partnership between the Government and IFAD from 2007 to...
語系: English, French
Building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and results
三月 2018
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has conducted an evaluation synthesis on building partnerships for enhanced development effectiveness – a review of country-level experiences and...
Participatory Natural Resource Management Programme
十二月 2017
The programme made substantial progress in achieving its land restoration targets in spite of frequent disruptions due to the challenging context. It restored over 10,700 dunums (1,070 hectares) of...
Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri
十一月 2017
Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri in the Kingdom of Cambodia The project - designed at a time when close to half of the country’s population suffered...
Rural Financial Intermediation Programme (2017)
十一月 2017
One of the main achievements of the programme was transforming Lesotho Post Bank into a self-reliant financial intermediary with a full banking license, and expanding rural credit and savings...
Mozambique Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
十一月 2017
During the period under evaluation, IFAD provided six loans to Mozambique, for a total value of US$ 239 million. The evaluation found a positive impact which included significant capacity...
Rural Microfinance Development Support Project
十月 2017
Project performance evaluation The overall approach of the Rural Microfinance Development Support Project was to support microfinance institutions in order to improve rural people’s access to...
語系: English, French
