Advancing towards the SDGs based on evidence – evaluation perspectives. Reflections from Latin America and the Caribbean on Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and legislative work - IOE
The webinar, entitled Advancing towards the SDGs based on evidence – evaluation perspectives. Reflections from Latin America and the Caribbean on Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and legislative work was organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Evaluation (ReLAC) as part of the Week of Evidence for Latin America and the Caribbean from 22 to 26 October 2018.
The objectives were to generate a dialogue on the importance of the responsible use of evidence derived from evaluations in political decisions. It focused on the National Voluntary Reports (2016-2017), analysing the inclusion of evidence from evaluations and the extent to which the information contained in these reports is sufficient to inform progress towards the SDGs. The webinar also emphasized how the use of evidence in parliamentary work is key to parliamentarians' decision-making process.
Panelists of the event were: Oscar A. García, IOE Director, and Ivonne Acuña, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica. The event was moderated by Silvia Salinas, Coordinator, ReLAC. Over 55 people were connected through webEx.
The event was in Spanish.