Khatlon Livelihoods Support Project - IOE

Khatlon Livelihoods Support Project
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) has conducted a project performance evaluation (PPE) on the Khatlon Livelihoods Support Project (KLSP) in Tajikistan. The project was carried out between 2009 and 2016.
The KLSP was the first IFAD-funded project in the country, and promoted an innovative, community-driven approach to poverty reduction. The approach was aligned with government policies at that time, namely the “Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Public Associations” (2008). It was implemented in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation, an instrumental step in strengthening village organizations.
At project completion, all participating communities had benefited from some investments. The provision of machinery provided immediate benefits in terms of cost savings and income for the majority of villages targeted. The establishment of basic infrastructure contributed to improved living conditions in a smaller number of communities. The biggest contribution to rural poverty reduction, however, consisted in the training and capacity-building provided. The village organizations continue to play their roles as rural development agents, as confirmed during this evaluation.
The evaluation recommends that the approach to community-based organizations be aligned with ongoing initiatives supported by other development partners and the government agenda. Also, a longer-term perspective would be needed to make a sustainable contribution to the emerging institutional framework in the rural areas.