Kyrgyz Republic Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - IOE

Kyrgyz Republic Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation
This was the first country strategy and programme evaluation (CSPE) that the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic. The evaluation covered the period 2009 to mid-2022.
The CSPE found that IFAD has consistently supported the livestock sector in the country, especially relating to improved pasture governance and management, and veterinary services. Projects made strategic and comprehensive interventions, encompassing policy, legislative and institutional frameworks as well as field-level activities. Notable results on the ground included the advancement of community-based pasture management and the enabling framework for private veterinary service provision. Kyrgyzstan is generally considered a pioneer in the region in both aspects and IFAD’s support made a visible contribution to this progress.
However, IFAD’s support has not been sufficient to reverse (or even halt) deterioration of pasture productivity, also due to increasing numbers of grazing animals. Pasture improvement and sustainable management did not receive adequate attention. Also, the poverty and gender focus has generally been weak in the investment portfolio.
The CSPE recommends, among other things, that IFAD and the Government revisit the strategic thrusts – a mix of thematic, sectoral and geographical focuses – of the country programme with a view to strengthening the poverty focus. It is also vital that the achievements in pasture management and veterinary services be consolidated, with due attention to sustainability.