Annual reports



IFAD Annual Report 2012

六月 2013
Read about IFAD's results and impact in the 2012 Annual Report. The Report also tells the stories of the women and men we work with in rural areas – their challenges and their successes. This year's Report showcases IFAD's new directions and new initiatives, which are helping to increase food security and reduce rural poverty across the developing world. And it provides the facts and figures that the Fund regularly shares with its Members States and partners. 

IFAD Annual Report 2011

六月 2012
In IFAD's 2011 Annual Report you can read the stories of determined women and men who have changed their lives and their communities with their own energy and initiative, plus support from some innovative rural development projects. This year's report also spotlights IFAD's work to help rural people adapt to the risks and ravages of climate change. The Annual Report tells IFAD's story for 2011, providing the facts and figures that the organization regularly shares with its Member States and partners around the world.

IFAD Annual Report 2010

六月 2011
Learn about IFAD's work and results in the 2010 Annual Report. This includes stories about the rural people we invest in, and covers our advocacy to keep the needs of rural communities at the top of the international development agenda. The Report also provides the facts and figures we regularly share with our Member States and partners.

IFAD Annual Report 2009

六月 2010
Learn about IFAD's work and results in the 2009 Annual Report. This includes stories about the rural people we invest in, and covers our advocacy to keep the needs of rural communities at the top of the international development agenda. The Report also provides the facts and figures we regularly share with our Member States and partners.

IFAD Annual Report 2008

六月 2009
Learn about IFAD's work and results in the 2008 Annual Report. This includes stories about the rural people we invest in, and covers our advocacy to keep the needs of rural communities at the top of the international development agenda. The Report also provides the facts and figures we regularly share with our Member States and partners.
