
Agricultural Resources Management Project

06 十二月 2001

Mid-term Evaluation

Increased soil and water conservation has resulted in higher productivity levels from natural resources, bringing benefits and economic growth to the 4 041 farmers originally targeted. Farmers’ assets, particularly under the Soil and Water Conservation Programme (SWC), have increased in value fivefold: there is now more water for livestock and an increased recharge of groundwater. Indeed by mid-term, 70 per cent of the stone walls (which reduce run-off and soil erosion) originally envisaged had been built.

In the long term, farming systems will be more robust and more water will be available for irrigation, municipal and domestic use.

Credit disbursements amounting to US$ 1.3 million boosted income-generating activities and rural employment: goat and sheep-breeding loans increased returns on family labour, added to household income by up to 12 percent, and improved family nutrition.

Rural women developed entrepreneurial skills and enhanced their economic clout and recognition. Higher income has given women greater financial autonomy and helped them meet food security needs, finance their children’s education, and invest in assets such as house maintenance.

Jordan: Tapping finite resources (Issue #10 - 2003)

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