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Collaborating in a time of crisis: Three early takeaways from the COVID-19 response in India

April 2020 - BLOG

The tremendous progress in reducing poverty made by India over the past 25 years could now be reversed because of the unprecedented emergency facing all of us – the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supporting Cambodian farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic

April 2020 - BLOG

Cambodia has made remarkable progress and achieved lower-middle-income status - but the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to strain the entire economy.

IFAD helps shape Bangladesh’s response to the coronavirus crisis in rural areas

April 2020 - BLOG

An IFAD team in Bangladesh provided a proposal to the Government for a certified safe transport and logistics system for movement of inputs and produce in rural areas.

COVID-19: An opportunity for the road not taken?

April 2020 - BLOG
Amidst the suffering and economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 emergency, one silver lining has emerged: an interruption to the greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation stemming from human activity.

Re-imagining our economic choices

April 2020 - BLOG
The COVID-19 pandemic will reshape all our economic choices. Nations have made a crucial choice in recent weeks, choosing human life over economic growth. 

Driving AgriTech adoption: Insights from Southeast Asia’s farmers

April 2020 - BLOG
By leveraging the tools that internet marketing companies have already honed to reach consumers, governments can deliver quality agronomy advice at scale.

Shaping a holistic response to COVID-19: Protecting food systems and rural producers

April 2020 - BLOG
It is easy to lose sight of the big picture when called upon to act quickly in response to the human tragedy caused by COVID-19. 

Don’t allow the coronavirus to open up another front

March 2020 - BLOG
What started as a health crisis could turn into a food crisis unless we take measures now. Preventing a food crisis is key to maintaining the strength to fight back.

Changing lives in times of uncertainty: how innovative agriculture builds resilience

March 2020 - BLOG
As countries prepare for the pandemic the mandate of a rural development organization may seem to some not particularly relevant to the current crisis. 

Serving the rural poor in the time of physical distancing: Staying safe, well – and connected

March 2020 - BLOG
It has been three weeks since COVID-19 has drastically altered the daily lives of IFAD staff headquartered in Rome and stationed around the world.

What we can do to support farmers on the front lines of climate change

March 2020 - BLOG
Each of the world’s agricultural production systems had millennia to adapt to local climatic conditions, especially in terms of temperature and rainfall. 

Rethinking government support to farmers

March 2020 - BLOG

It is becoming increasingly clear that the ways in which we produce, market and consume food need to be reconciled with environmental, economic and social sustainability. 

Handle with care: Vulnerability, the human face of state fragility

March 2020 - BLOG
Vulnerability and fragility might not be perfect synonyms, but they share a very similar meaning. Both words refer to something breakable, delicate and frail – something that needs to be handled with care.

Fighting against COVID-19: the importance of building long-term resilience in rural communities

March 2020 - BLOG
Two months have passed since the beginning of the new coronavirus outbreak in Hubei, China. It seems an appropriate time to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on rural communities in China, and on the importance of investing in rural people in order to build long-term resilience to shocks.

To move the needle on ending extreme poverty, focus on rural areas

February 2020 - BLOG
The considerable gains made worldwide in poverty reduction over the last 10 years have been widely recognized. And indeed, in a year when China aspires to complete its 40-year project of lifting some 770 million people across the poverty line, it is clear that a greater proportion of the human population is wealthier today than at any other moment in history.

CGIAR announces agritech blog post contest winners

February 2020 - BLOG
Agritech – the use of cutting-edge technological innovations in agriculture – is generating a lot of buzz these days. Entrepreneurs and start-ups all over the world are brimming with brilliant ideas for bringing big data, connectivity, and digital platforms into the field, and the results so far have been incredibly promising. 

The importance of agrarian development in India

February 2020 - BLOG
Although our world continues to urbanise at an alarming rate, there’s no getting away from the fact that agrarian activities will always be necessary.

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Robert Oliver

February 2020 - BLOG

I have always loved food - how it brings people together, the smells and flavours of new cultures. I guess I associate food most with gathering, communion.

IFAD awarded for advancing practice in knowledge and organizational learning

February 2020 - BLOG

The Henley Forum has recognized IFAD with an award for Advancing Knowledge & Organizational Learning Practice during its 20th annual conference.


Talking about climate risk insurance with women in Ethiopia: How to improve value, access, and delivery

February 2020 - BLOG
Women in Ethiopia and the world over play a huge and growing role in farming and food production. 

One size doesn’t fit all: How to design a user-friendly climate insurance

January 2020 - BLOG
Weather index insurance can protect and support smallholder farmers from climate-related disasters, providing them with means to buy food when harvests fail. 

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Pierre Thiam

January 2020 - BLOG
As a chef, I believe that we have a responsibility and we should take concrete actions to tackle climate change. 

What does it mean to be “smart” on planet Earth?

December 2019 - BLOG
What are the global transformations required for our food systems to become sustainable in the face of climate change?

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Lance Seeto

November 2019 - BLOG
In addition to climate change, the Pacific Island communities are succumbing to modern diseases caused by a change of diet and lifestyle.

Enabling farming families to fight climate change: the key to survival

November 2019 - BLOG
IFAD has adapted its development strategies for Viet Nam from focusing on boosting agricultural production to commercialisation and sustainability of smallholders. 

The advantage of investing in sustainable fisheries, aquaculture and coastal communities

November 2019 - BLOG
The fisheries sector is crucial for enhancing healthy diets, as fish are a valuable source of nutrients and micronutrients.

Mobile money: A product of choice for women to send and receive remittances

November 2019 - BLOG
Women constitute the majority of remittance recipients globally and remittances have an impact on both women’s actual income as well as on social norms.

China’s remaining challenges in reducing poverty

November 2019 - BLOG

Next year China is hoping to announce that they have eradicated extreme poverty - but what are the challenges that China would need to deal with after 2020?

Meeting the challenge of SDG2: The moment for action

October 2019 - BLOG

We are just over 10 years out from the deadline to the meet the SDGs, but the goals will require a step change in the quantity and quality of financing made available. 

More than 100 million young adults are still living in extreme poverty

October 2019 - BLOG
In recent years, the concerns and worldviews of young adults have been increasingly occupying center stage in global debates. And they should.
