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Five decades of rural transformation: IFAD's greatest successes

Since its founding in 1977, IFAD has worked to enable rural people all over the world to overcome immense challenges and thrive. We take a look at some of our biggest successes over the years.

UN’s IFAD goes to Ireland calling for increased funding to rural people in bid to curb global food insecurity

The President of IFAD arrives today in Ireland to advocate for greater investments in the small-scale farmers and food producers in developing countries who generate a third of the world’s food but are often most impacted by hunger and poverty.

Miles de familias rurales del VRAEM invirtieron 230 millones de soles junto al FIDA y el Gobierno de Perú para mejorar sus ingresos y fortalecer su capacidad agraria

Más de 50 000 familias rurales en situación de vulnerabilidad, han logrado mejorar sus medios de vida gracias a un proyecto ejecutado por MIDAGRI y que contó con el apoyo técnico y financiero del FIDA.

Spatial technology creates opportunities for vulnerable small-scale food producers as IFAD and ESA join forces

IFAD and the European Space Agency have stepped up their partnership to help vulnerable small-scale food producers increase their ability to grow food and adapt to climate change by using state-of-the-art spatial technology and data.

Food security and nutrition receive a boost in Mozambique

IFAD and the Government of Mozambique signed two grant agreements with a combined value of US$4.2 million.

Innovation matters, especially for small-scale farmers

IFAD applies the latest tools and technologies to support small-scale farmers. Here are six examples of innovations proven to work for rural communities all over the world.

Farmers in Mozambique rise to the challenge

Farmers in Mozambique face unimaginable challenges. We must continue to support them if we want to see rural communities lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. Norway's Minister of International Development, Anne Beathe Tvinnereim, shares her reflections on her recent visit to Mozambique.

SIDS, food security and climate shocks – Episode 45

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are facing unimaginable challenges, including worsening food security and climate change. Join us and IFAD’s Climate change and environmental specialist Oliver Page to learn more about how to help the islands’ small-scale farmers and fishers strengthen their climate resilience.

IFAD and European Space Agency use spatial technology to better serve the world’s poorest rural food producers

As current global crises converge, business as usual will not suffice. Leveraging innovation and new partnerships has become increasingly important as world leaders search for new ways to tackle hunger, poverty and the growing impacts of climate change.

France champions ambitious call to fund IFAD to ensure long-term global food security and stability

During the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, held in Paris 22-23 June, France’s President, Emmanuel Macron, called on global leaders to substantially increase their contributions to IFAD.

The New Global Financing Pact must work for small-scale farmers who feed the world and live in poverty says IFAD President

The President of IFAD, Alvaro Lario, today called on world leaders attending the New Global Financing Pact Summit to find solutions that would significantly drive more funding to rural populations and the poor small-scale farmers who are key to global food security.

From the field to our plates, rural people are transforming food systems

Our food systems need to change. Around the world, small-scale farmers, fishers and rural producers are already leading the transformation – here’s how.

Lifelong hobbies become lifelines for Syrian refugees in Jordan

Since 2011, over 700,000 Syrian refugees have crossed the border into Jordan. Here, both refugees and host communities in rural areas frequently struggle with poverty as water scarcity, feed shortage and rangeland degradation make farming a challenge. Meet three refugees that IFAD is helping to face these challenges.

Encouraging young women in business in Tunisia

Hayet has a university degree but, like one third of young rural women in Tunisia, she could not find a job and had no means of earning an income.

A growing number of the world’s poorest countries are first to step up support to IFAD in fight to reduce hunger and poverty

As world leaders prepare for the New Global Financing Pact Summit in Paris this week, some of the world’s poorest countries are stepping up their support to IFAD - an indication of the serious impact that climate catastrophes, inflation and persistent hunger have and the long-term benefits of agricultural development in building resilient rural economies.

G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting: IFAD President Alvaro Lario advocates for increased investment in rural transformation, reaffirms partnership with India

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, made a strong pitch for increased investment in small-scale farmers and rural communities at the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ meeting in Hyderabad, India, from 15-17 June.

13 reasons why remittances are important

Remittances continue to matter more than ever, particularly in rural areas where they count the most and provide further opportunities towards rural transformation. Here are 13 reasons why.

“We need to change our mindset, diaspora and migrant workers are crucial development partners,” says IFAD expert

Today, 16 June, marks the International Day of Family Remittances, led by IFAD. We spoke with Pedro de Vasconcelos, Manager of the Financing Facility for Remittances at IFAD.

Her land, her rights: How land ownership can transform the lives of women - and hold back desertification - in Niger

Meet the woman who fought for her right to land ownership and contributed to halting drought and desertification.

Transforming rural futures through digital remittances

Remittances are a lifeline for rural communities all over the world, here’s why we should continue to invest in digital transfers.

Remittances and diaspora investments are vital to boost agriculture and rural development, says IFAD President

“Making the most of remittances and diaspora investments can, paradoxically, curb the need for more to migrate. These flows are great contributors to the wellbeing of millions. Almost US$1.8 billion in remittances are flowing daily to low and middle-income countries, leveraging development opportunities. Half of that amount, US$900 million, is boosting agriculture and rural development” said Álvaro Lario, the President of IFAD at the opening session of the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) in Nairobi today.

Media advisory: IFAD President Alvaro Lario visits India to advocate for small-scale farmers and rural communities at G20 meeting

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, will attend the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ meeting in Hyderabad from 15-17 June to advocate for increased support for small-scale farmers and poor rural communities.

IFAD reaffirms commitment to help Pacific Islands cope with climate change impacts and boost rural livelihoods

An IFAD delegation to Fiji, Kiribati and Tonga, met royalty, key government officials, farmers’ organizations and other partners to discuss investments to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in Pacific Island countries.

IFAD launches A New Day film, highlighting transformative power of investments in small-scale farmers who feed the world, ahead of Global Financing Pact talks in Paris

As world leaders gather in Paris 22-23 June to begin laying the foundation for a new global financial architecture sensitive to the needs of developing countries, IFAD launches a campaign to scale up investments in small-scale farmers with the short film – A New Day.

A New Day is possible

Small-scale farmers in developing countries produce one third of the world’s food. But today they are only one flood, one drought or one failed harvest away from ruin. To stem the impact of climate change on food security and to reduce poverty, IFAD is calling for more investment in rural communities - now.

A New Day: Q&A with the people IFAD supports

IFAD's new film, ‘A New Day’, tells the story of Tunisia’s rural people and is a testament to their resilience as they battle to adapt to our changing weather. We speak to two IFAD-supported project participants about their daily struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future.

Behind the Scenes of ‘A New Day’

IFAD’s latest film, ‘A New Day’, was shot in Tunisia amid soaring temperatures. Get a behind the scenes look of how we made the film, the people we met and the challenges of shooting in an area dramatically affected by climate change.  

IFAD President visit to China reinforces longstanding partnership to transform rural lives

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD met key officials and partners, including Vice Minister of Finance Wang Dongwei and Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ma Youxiang, on a visit to China from 3-8 June to deepen the successful partnership between the People’s Republic of China and IFAD in securing decent lives and livelihoods for small-scale farmers.

Harnessing the potential of remittance flows and diaspora investments for international development: more than $600 billion is sent home annually

Even in times of crisis, remittance flows have allowed people in developing countries to be resilient and even prosper. Last year, the money sent home exceeded US$600 billion annually, half of which went to poor rural areas.

New IFAD initiative with EU funding to boost rural development in Kenya through digital remittances

IFAD and the European Union unveiled two new initiatives today in Kenya, that aim to boost rural development by making the use of digital remittance flows faster, safer and cheaper.
