The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD conducted a formative corporate-level evaluation of IFAD’s decentralization experience in 2016. The evaluation recommendations are based on triangulation of evidence and cover different dimensions of IFAD’s decentralization, including in the areas of organizational architecture, delegation of authority, IFAD country office models, and related budget and human resource implications.

To further strengthen the evidence base of the evaluation, IOE organized four regional consultation workshops to cover all five geographic regions where IFAD operates. The four workshops were held at IFAD Headquarters on 17-18 May; in Lima, Peru on 31 May, Nairobi, Kenya on 13-14 June, and Hanoi, Viet Nam on 6-7 July covering the Near East, North Africa and Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia and the Pacific regions respectively.

The main purpose of the regional workshops was to obtain feedback and insights of in-country stakeholders from IFAD clients such as government officials, project staff, other development partners and representatives of beneficiaries on IFAD’s decentralization approaches.



Latin America




Asia and the Pacific

Infographic: IFAD’s country presence models - French
Infographic: IFAD’s country presence models - English
Infographic: IFAD’s country presence models - Spanish

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