2019 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations - IOE

2019 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD operations
The 2019 Annual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI) presents a synthesis of IFAD’s performance and highlights results and systemic issues from independent evaluations conducted in 2018. The quantitative analysis draws on ratings from 344 evaluations conducted since 2002.
The report confirms that overall the performance of IFAD operations has been positive. Seventy-five per cent of all evaluation ratings are moderately satisfactory or better in the period 2007-2017. Currently, 80 per cent or more projects assessed against the criteria of relevance, innovation, scaling up, rural poverty impact and IFAD performance as a partner are rated moderately satisfactory or better. The 2019 ARRI highlights however that the portfolio performance trend is flat or declining in most criteria in 2015-2017. The most significant decline is for IFAD and government performance as partners. Only adaptation to climate change reached its Tenth Replenishment (2016-2018) Results Measurement Framework targets based on IOE ratings.
“Relevance of IFAD project interventions” is the learning theme of the 2019 ARRI. Based on the findings, the ARRI recommends to determine earlier the need to adjust project designs to ensure their “continued relevance” to the country context.