

Risultati ricerca

15 OTT

Invest in gender equality to reduce climate change impacts on world’s poorest, says IFAD President on the International Day of Rural Women

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 OTT

IFAD and Nepal mount post-COVID investment programme to build resilience of rural communities

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
07 OTT

If we lose biodiversity, we will not address climate change or hunger, warns IFAD report ahead of UN biodiversity conference

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
24 SET

To transform our food systems we must reimagine how they are financed, says IFAD President

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
23 SET

Retribuzioni dignitose per i piccoli agricoltori – l’appello dell’IFAD ai leader mondiali affinché si impegnino ad agire in occasione del Vertice sui sistemi alimentari

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
21 SET

I sistemi alimentari mondiali vanno dismessi e trasformati completamente – un nuovo rapporto dell’IFAD delinea azioni concrete per i leader politici

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
20 SET

African small-scale farmers use radio and mobile phones to send a message of optimism and caution to world leaders attending Food Systems Summit

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 SET

Support for Syrian herders and farmers to safeguard livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
08 SET

Global climate leader appointed Associate Vice President at UN rural development agency IFAD

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
08 SET

Agroecology can address food systems failures - new IFAD report

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
03 SET

Protecting biodiversity is crucial to fighting hunger - IFAD calls for increased investments ahead of World Conservation Congress

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
31 AGO

Le gouvernement du Mali, la FAO, le FIDA et le PAM lancent un programme conjoint pour renforcer la résilience des populations rurales

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
31 AGO

Building rural resilience through South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Results of the Third Call for Proposals under the China-IFAD SSTC Facility

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
03 AGO

2021 Agrobiodiversity Innovation Challenge

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 LUG

Annual report 2020: 123 million rural people reached as IFAD steps up fight against hunger, poverty and exclusion

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
28 LUG

El proyecto Puentes fomentará los vínculos entre gastronomía y agricultura familiar para crear empleo y oportunidades económicas para los jóvenes de las zonas rurales y peri-urbanas de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras

Lingue: English, Spanish
27 LUG

L’IFAD, Cassa Depositi Prestiti (CDP) e l’Agenzia Francese di Sviluppo (AFD) annunciano una nuova coalizione per promuovere il finanziamento di sistemi alimentari equi e sostenibili da parte delle banche pubbliche di sviluppo

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
26 LUG

Putting rural small-scale producers at the centre of food systems’ transformation – join IFAD during the Food Systems pre-Summit (26-28 July 2021)

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
25 LUG

Spanish filmmaker wins first IFAD COPEAM Award at Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
23 LUG

I sistemi alimentari che ignorano le necessità dei poveri delle aree rurali sono destinati a fallire, avverte il presidente dell’IFAD alla vigilia del pre-Vertice delle Nazioni Unite sui sistemi alimentari

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
20 LUG

IFAD and China launch project to revitalize the rural economy in Hunan

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 LUG

A new strategic opportunities programme to strengthen the partnership between Côte d’Ivoire and IFAD

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
16 LUG

Third round of National Call for Proposals (Morocco): Supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa

Lingue: English, French
14 LUG

IFAD’s new investment programme to boost private funding of rural businesses and small-scale farmers

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 LUG

UN report: Pandemic year marked by spike in world hunger

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 LUG

Call for proposals: Digital advisory services to support accelerated rural transformation

Lingue: English
11 LUG

Annunciati i finalisti del primo premio cinematografico IFAD/COPEAM

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
08 LUG

El Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural del FIDA reconoce el papel clave de la juventud para superar el impacto de la COVID-19 en las comunidades rurales

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Chinese
06 LUG

Tanzanian small-scale farmers receive support to improve food security in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 LUG

IFAD and KSrelief agree to jointly tackle hunger and malnutrition in world’s most vulnerable countries

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
01 LUG

Segunda Edición del Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural en América Latina y el Caribe del FIDA

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
30 GIU

IFAD and Guinea to help rural populations recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 GIU

G20 recognizes importance of Public Development Bank financing to tackle rural poverty and hunger, and leadership of IFAD

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 GIU

IFAD and Govt. of Maharashtra join hands to empower 1 million rural women

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
23 GIU

South Sudan and IFAD to boost productivity, food security and resilience of small-scale farmers faced with climate change

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
16 GIU

La mancanza di infrastrutture digitali rischia di lasciare milioni di famiglie rurali in povertà – l’IFAD lancia un appello urgente in occasione della Giornata internazionale delle rimesse familiari

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
15 GIU

Sri Lanka and IFAD partner to reduce poverty and increase food and nutrition security in the face of climate change

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 GIU

The International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture statement on child labour in agriculture for the World Day Against Child Labour 2021

Lingue: English
10 GIU

Join the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development Summit - 16-17 June 2021

Lingue: Arabic, English
03 GIU

Call for Proposals: Rural youth employment opportunities

Lingue: English
02 GIU

President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi of Mozambique launches IFAD-supported project to boost aquaculture

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
01 GIU

Economic empowerment of rural women positively impacts social norms and strengthens food security

Lingue: English
01 GIU

Ugandan remittances decline but still are a lifeline for rural people

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
25 MAG

IFAD first in development aid rankings – new report

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
25 MAG

Remittance flows to Kenya defy the odds during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
24 MAG

FAO, FIDA y PMA crean alianza de cara a la Cumbre sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de Naciones Unidas

Lingue: Spanish
24 MAG

European Union and IFAD to support Ethiopian rural financial institutions, jobs and livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 MAG

South Sudan small-scale producers receive support from IFAD to safeguard their livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 MAG

Tanzania and IFAD partner to boost productivity, improve food security and build resilience of small-scale farmers in the face of the climate change 

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
11 MAG

Call for proposals: Grant to strengthen borrowers’ capacity on environmental, social and climate best practices

Lingue: English
04 MAG

Small-scale farmers in remote areas of Haiti receive help for food production and COVID-19

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
30 APR

African countries commit to double agricultural productivity as development banks, institutions pledge US$17 billion to increase food security

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
30 APR

Second round of National Calls for Proposals (Kenya and Uganda): Supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa

Lingue: English
29 APR

African Development Bank, IFAD and partners redouble efforts to stop hunger in Africa and strengthen food security

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 APR

Feeding Africa: Leadership to Scale up Successful Innovations

Lingue: English, French
21 APR

Potential game-changing systemic solutions for the UN Food Systems Summit: Advancing equitable livelihoods

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 APR

IFAD and the Islamic Development Bank commit $500 million to address hunger and climate change in poor rural communities

Lingue: Arabic, English, French
25 MAR

New investment in digital solutions will connect Latin American farmers to markets and banking services in response to COVID-19 restrictions

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 MAR

Italy to set the stage for UN Food Systems Summit with three-day event that will deliver bold new ambitions

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 MAR

Lingue: English
06 MAR

Empowering women and girls is crucial to ensure sustainable food security in the aftermath of COVID-19, say UN food agency heads ahead of International Women’s Day

Lingue: Arabic, English, French
03 MAR

El FIDA lanza la Segunda Edición del Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural en América Latina y el Caribe

Lingue: English, Spanish
02 MAR

The People Behind Your Plate - Powerful photos and stories available

Lingue: Arabic, English
18 FEB

L’IFAD ottiene dai sui Stati Membri il più alto finanziamento che abbia mai ricevuto. Il Presidente: Investire in sostenibilità e resilienza costa meno che rispondere alle emergenze umanitarie

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
18 FEB

L'ONU coinvolgerà milioni di abitanti delle zone rurali nel Vertice sui sistemi alimentari del 2021 come parte di un ambizioso processo di coinvolgimento pubblico

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
17 FEB

IFAD, il ministro Di Maio: Garantire il diritto di accesso al cibo è un imperativo morale. L’Italia stanzia 84 milioni di euro per la dodicesima ricapitalizzazione del fondo

Lingue: English, Spanish, French, Italian
17 FEB

Gilbert F. Houngbo confermato alla presidenza dell'IFAD per un secondo mandato - Obiettivo: raddoppiare l’impatto del Fondo entro il 2030

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
16 FEB

Livelihood-recovery project directly supporting Cambodia’s most vulnerable and those impacted by COVID-19 to launch tomorrow

Lingue: English
13 FEB

Increased investment in Sahel will boost development and resilience of rural populations

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
11 FEB

IFAD: 44esima sessione del Consiglio dei Governatori e conferenza stampa con Agnes Kalibata sul Vertice sui sistemi alimentari

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
03 FEB

UN rural development agency IFAD to open Japan office to boost global hunger eradication efforts

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 FEB

Indigenous Peoples are critical to build a more sustainable post-pandemic world, says IFAD President

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 GEN

Invitation to Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD: How indigenous food systems can help build resilience to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
28 GEN

Help for Nigerian small-scale farmers to improve food security and combat poverty in the face of COVID-19

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 GEN

Help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change or face increased hunger and migration, warns IFAD President

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
13 GEN

IFAD’s fight against rural poverty and hunger highlighted at One Planet Summit, as President Macron calls on others to step up their commitment

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
11 GEN

IFAD and GCF scale-up action to improve life for millions of people and restore ecosystems in Africa’s Great Green Wall

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
31 DIC

National Calls for Proposals (The Gambia, Ghana, Senegal): Supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa

Lingue: English
23 DIC

A holiday gift with impact: crowdfunding solar-powered water access in Africa

Lingue: English
11 DIC

Pope Francis joins 25 countries to fight against poverty and hunger in first round of pledges to IFAD

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
10 DIC

IFAD joins with partners to build resilience and boost development in the Sahel

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 DIC

Des députés français se mobilisent pour soutenir le développement agricole et l’action du FIDA sur le terrain

Lingue: French
08 DIC

Mozambique and IFAD to increase resilience and food and nutrition security in the face of climate change and COVID-19

Lingue: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
08 DIC

Eliminating poverty and hunger high on global agenda as countries pledge funds to IFAD

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
07 DIC

Multi-million euro contribution from Germany to IFAD will help avert a COVID-19 food crisis

Lingue: German, English, Spanish, French
02 DIC

New UN report reveals the inequality in the geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

Lingue: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese
01 DIC

Sicurezza alimentare e Covid-19, come proteggere le filiere?

Lingue: Italian
27 NOV

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

Lingue: English, Spanish
24 NOV

IFAD and FAO join forces to support family farming in the Near East and North Africa

Lingue: Arabic, English, French
19 NOV

AA+ credit rating from Standard & Poor’s will help IFAD increase investments to fight poverty and hunger

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
18 NOV

President's Hearing to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament

Lingue: English
16 NOV

Dutch funding to IFAD will help avert COVID-19 food crisis

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Dutch
12 NOV

€300 million loan from AFD to IFAD to support millions of small-scale farmers

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
12 NOV

Climate finance neglects small-scale farmers – new report

Lingue: English, Spanish, French
11 NOV

Historic statement by Public Development Banks signals greater commitment to tackle global hunger and poverty

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 OTT

African Heads of State call on world leaders to increase investment in IFAD to end rural hunger and poverty

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 OTT

As FAO turns 75, its mission to end hunger and nourish the world is as relevant today as ever

Lingue: English
15 OTT

Governments need to halt the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on rural women, says IFAD President on International Day of Rural Women

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 OTT

Consultation on IFAD’s Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 OTT

Dutch poverty fighter joins UN agency IFAD as global poverty rates rise

Lingue: Arabic, English, Spanish, French


Media contacts

Aggregatore Risorse

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]