

खोज परिणाम

टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
25 अप्

Call for proposals: IFAD grant for supporting the use of satellite data in project design, monitoring and evaluation

भाषाएँ: English
24 अप्

Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action

भाषाएँ: English
23 अप्

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan

भाषाएँ: English
11 अप्

Sin equidad de género no habrá desarrollo sostenible, asegura el FIDA en el lanzamiento del Decenio Interamericano por los Derechos de las Mujeres Rurales

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
09 अप्

Brazil: New IFAD-funded project to promote payment for environmental services will foster agroforestry transition in cocoa production areas in Bahia

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 अप्

Senior IFAD official to meet Ministers and small-scale farmers in Zambia to promote agricultural transformation

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 अप्

Somalia and IFAD sign new financial agreement to strengthen food security and build resilience in rural areas

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 मार

IFAD establishes a new Multi-Donor Funding Facility to support the Joint Sahel Programme

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 मार

IFAD and Montenegro sign financing agreement to support climate adaptation in Northern mountainous areas

भाषाएँ: English
19 मार

Alvaro Lario: “Without family farming, we would not have eaten today”

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 मार

IFAD and WFP work together to combat hunger in fragile contexts

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 मार

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic

भाषाएँ: English
14 मार

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Tajikistan

भाषाएँ: English
07 मार

IFAD and partners to build resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in seven Sahelian Countries

भाषाएँ: English, French
07 मार

Investing in women and girls makes economic sense and accelerates progress for millions of people

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
06 मार

IFAD and JICA Renew their Memorandum of Cooperation for Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security

भाषाएँ: English
05 मार

EU and IFAD launch new initiative to strengthen financial inclusion by boosting digital remittances in Central Asia

भाषाएँ: English, French
01 मार

Building resilience, empowering communities: new fisheries project set to transform lives in Mozambique

भाषाएँ: English, Portuguese
29 फ़र

Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President

भाषाएँ: English
27 फ़र

MOPAN assessment of IFAD 2023

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 फ़र

IFAD Member States approve ambitious $2 bn plan to reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million rural people

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
14 फ़र

IFAD highlights the transformative power of innovation for small-scale farmers

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
09 फ़र

Global leaders harness the power of innovation for small-scale farmers at IFAD’s 47th Governing Council

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
08 फ़र

El FIDA insta a entidades públicas y privadas a acelerar las inversiones en desarrollo rural en Perú

भाषाएँ: Spanish
06 फ़र

Innovation for a food-secure future

भाषाएँ: English
02 फ़र

Call for proposals: IFAD grant for Programme in Rural Monitoring & Evaluation Phase III

भाषाएँ: English
30 जनव

IFAD enters the SEK market, issuing 1 billion SEK sustainable bond to investors Skandia and Folksam

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
26 जनव

IFAD and Lesotho partner to support small-scale producers increase the value of their wool and mohair

भाषाएँ: English, French
22 जनव

IFAD partners with Hamkorbank in Uzbekistan to provide needed micro-loans to dairy and horticulture producers

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
20 जनव

IFAD Vice-President calls for strong leadership to address root causes of hunger and rural poverty at Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
19 जनव

IFAD President makes first official visit to Algeria to promote youth employment and climate adaptation in rural areas

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, French
18 जनव

Joint IFAD and IDB project in Brazil will improve the lives of 210,000 rural people in the semiarid Piauí State

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, Portuguese
16 जनव

La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico

भाषाएँ: Spanish
15 जनव

Ahead of Davos, IFAD acts to increase concessional blended financing to encourage vital private sector investments in rural economies

भाषाएँ: English
04 जनव

New multi-service platform provides access to improved financial services for Moroccan migrants and their families

भाषाएँ: English, French
02 जनव

Maximising the development potential of remittances in Southern Africa

भाषाएँ: English, French
15 दिस

Member States set IFAD on track to largest replenishment ever to tackle poverty, hunger and the climate crisis

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 दिस

World leaders support IFAD's urgent call for increased investment in rural communities and future global food security - Angola and France lead the way

भाषाएँ: English, French, Portuguese
15 दिस

Bolivia: El FIDA promueve el intercambio de conocimientos rumbo al Año Internacional de los Camélidos

भाषाएँ: Spanish
08 दिस

Facing a future of growing food insecurity and climate challenges, world leaders commit to increased funding for small-scale farmers and rural people

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
06 दिस

In the face of climate change and increased global food insecurity, Member States reaffirm support to IFAD

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
04 दिस

Gender equality in rural areas essential to climate change adaptation, says IFAD President

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 दिस

IFAD launches innovative financing mechanism to support small-scale food producers to adapt to climate change in Eastern Africa

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
01 दिस

​​​​​​​The USA contributes US$50 million to a new multi-donor trust fund addressing climate and food crises hosted by UN's IFAD

भाषाएँ: English
29 नवं

Small-scale farmers must not be forgotten if we want to feed the world and safeguard the planet - IFAD at COP 28

भाषाएँ: English
29 नवं

Over 200,000 farmers to benefit from IFAD, ADB initiative to boost dryland farming in Indonesia

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
28 नवं

Experts and practitioners come together to improve nutrition outcomes in agricultural development in West and Central Africa

भाषाएँ: English, French
22 नवं

Sharp decrease in climate finance going to small-scale farmers - new report shows

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
21 नवं

IFAD lists its sustainable bonds on the London Stock Exchange - ringing the bell for rural development

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
21 नवं

El FIDA se une a ALIDE como nuevo miembro adherente para dinamizar las inversiones en la población rural de América Latina y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: Spanish
18 नवं

Vice-President Mukeshimana Makes First Official Visit to Egypt to Promote Action on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English
13 नवं

Connecting global financial markets to small-scale farmers: discover the impact of IFAD’s first sustainable bonds

भाषाएँ: English
09 नवं

New UN report: 43.2 million people suffer from hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the region has higher levels of overweight and obesity than the global estimate

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
07 नवं

Indigenous Peoples partner with IFAD, Sweden’s Sida, and Packard Foundation to build resilience and adapt to climate change

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
06 नवं

While in Saudi Arabia, IFAD President calls for “strong global leadership and commitment” to combat global food and climate crises

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English
31 अक्

Connecting global financial markets to small-scale farmers: discover the impact of IFAD first sustainable bonds

भाषाएँ: English
25 अक्

Los agricultores en pequeña escala son actores fundamentales en la solución al cambio climático, asegura el FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
24 अक्

One million people to build climate resilience: new IFAD-Brazil agreement

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, Portuguese
24 अक्

IFAD and Viet Nam celebrate 30 years of partnership to improve rural lives

भाषाएँ: English, French
23 अक्

IFAD and Grow Asia to support farmers with digital tools to modernize agriculture in Southeast Asia

भाषाएँ: English
20 अक्

IFAD investment in Guyana’s hinterland is contributing to rural development and social innovation

भाषाएँ: English
13 अक्

Rural women rising: Investing today for tomorrow’s sustainable future

भाषाएँ: English
12 अक्

IFAD launches #Sing4RuralWomen social media challenge on Rural Women's Day

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
12 अक्

Cerca de 4 000 jóvenes rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras mejoran sus medios de vida con el impulso del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
12 अक्

IFAD strengthens its investments in Morocco with a new €87 million agreement

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
11 अक्

IFAD and Burkina Faso sign new financing agreement to build resilience of small-scale farmers to climate change and other shocks

भाषाएँ: English, French
05 अक्

Call to innovators to join innovation challenge on AI for climate resilience in rural areas

भाषाएँ: English
05 अक्

IFAD and Malawi to build resilience and productivity of small-scale farmers and MSMEs amid ongoing crisis

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
29 सित

Call for proposals: IFAD grant financing the implementation of a project on "Innovative regenerative agriculture approaches to improve resilience and food security"

भाषाएँ: English
25 सित

France, Norway and Spain make landmark financial commitments to IFAD, as President urges others to follow suit

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
22 सित

Fitch Ratings confirms AA+ rating for the International Fund for Agricultural Development

भाषाएँ: English
21 सित

El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales

भाषाएँ: Spanish
18 सित

IFAD President at UNGA: “The climate crisis hinders efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty”

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
18 सित

FAO, IsDB, and IFAD Collaborate to Strengthen Food Security Technologies for Smallholder Farmers

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English
06 सित

ALIDE y el FIDA unen fuerzas para fortalecer el desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe

भाषाएँ: Spanish
04 सित

The UN’s agricultural development fund chief urges Public Development Banks to direct funding to fight hunger, poverty and climate change

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
01 सित

IFAD, Stanbic Bank enter partnership to cut money transfer costs to Uganda in half

भाषाएँ: English
30 अगस

12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales

भाषाएँ: Spanish
28 अगस

African leader Gerardine Mukeshimana joins UN rural development agency IFAD as Vice-President

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
24 अगस

IFAD and Bangladesh observe 45 years of successful rural transformation

भाषाएँ: English
18 अगस

Investments in poor small-scale farmers generate significant benefits for climate and environment, says new IFAD-GEF report

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 अगस

El fondo de desarrollo agrícola de la ONU dará apoyo técnico y financiero para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía peruana

भाषाएँ: Spanish
01 अगस

UN and South Sudan join forces to boost rural development through producers’ organizations and access to finance

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
01 अगस

Heads of the Rome-based UN food and agriculture agencies call for greater investments in South Sudan to avoid a catastrophic food crisis

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French
27 जुल

Décideurs et Ministres Africains réaffirment leur soutien au projet de transformation rurale du FIDA dans le cadre de la 13e reconstitution des fonds de l’institution

भाषाएँ: French
24 जुल

Transforming Global Food Systems: $400 billion needed per year while doing nothing could cost $12 trillion

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
20 जुल

New partnership to promote decent work across food systems

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French
19 जुल

The UN’s agricultural development fund announces new US$900 million investment to improve over 600,000 rural lives in Brazil

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
19 जुल

UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

भाषाएँ: English
19 जुल

New analysis: Rising obesity rates in developing countries linked to high cost and limited availability of healthy foods

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 जुल

The UN’s agricultural development fund invests US$7.96 billion in poorest rural communities to grow the world’s food: 2022 annual report

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
13 जुल

New Zealand contributes US$3.57 million to IFAD to enhance resilience of Pacific island communities through climate smart agriculture

भाषाएँ: English, French
12 जुल

122 million more people pushed into hunger since 2019 due to multiple crises, reveals UN report

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese
11 जुल

Bolivia: Más de 19 000 productores rurales fortalecerán su resiliencia al cambio climático con apoyo del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
03 जुल

UN’s IFAD goes to Ireland calling for increased funding to rural people in bid to curb global food insecurity

भाषाएँ: English
29 जून

Miles de familias rurales del VRAEM invirtieron 230 millones de soles junto al FIDA y el Gobierno de Perú para mejorar sus ingresos y fortalecer su capacidad agraria

भाषाएँ: Spanish
28 जून

Spatial technology creates opportunities for vulnerable small-scale food producers as IFAD and ESA join forces

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
28 जून

Food security and nutrition receive a boost in Mozambique

भाषाएँ: English
23 जून

IFAD and European Space Agency use spatial technology to better serve the world’s poorest rural food producers

भाषाएँ: English, Italian
22 जून

France champions ambitious call to fund IFAD to ensure long-term global food security and stability

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
21 जून

The New Global Financing Pact must work for small-scale farmers who feed the world and live in poverty says IFAD President

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish, French
19 जून

A growing number of the world’s poorest countries are first to step up support to IFAD in fight to reduce hunger and poverty

भाषाएँ: English
17 जून

G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting: IFAD President Alvaro Lario advocates for increased investment in rural transformation, reaffirms partnership with India

भाषाएँ: English, French
16 जून

“We need to change our mindset, diaspora and migrant workers are crucial development partners,” says IFAD expert

भाषाएँ: English, Spanish
14 जून

Remittances and diaspora investments are vital to boost agriculture and rural development, says IFAD President

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
13 जून

Media advisory: IFAD President Alvaro Lario visits India to advocate for small-scale farmers and rural communities at G20 meeting

भाषाएँ: English
13 जून

IFAD reaffirms commitment to help Pacific Islands cope with climate change impacts and boost rural livelihoods

भाषाएँ: English
12 जून

IFAD launches A New Day film, highlighting transformative power of investments in small-scale farmers who feed the world, ahead of Global Financing Pact talks in Paris

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 जून

IFAD President visit to China reinforces longstanding partnership to transform rural lives

भाषाएँ: English
09 जून

Harnessing the potential of remittance flows and diaspora investments for international development: more than $600 billion is sent home annually

भाषाएँ: English
08 जून

New IFAD initiative with EU funding to boost rural development in Kenya through digital remittances

भाषाएँ: English, French
01 जून

UN Rural development agency partners with Amundi to issue IFAD’s largest sustainable bond to date

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
टेम्पलेट के प्रोसेसिंग के समय त्रुटि हुई है.
Range end index 2 is out of bounds, because the sliced string has only 2 character(s). (Note that indices are 0-based).
The blamed expression:
==> 0..2  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 49]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?...  [in template "10154#10192#NEWS_ROW" at line 32, column 17]
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")> 
2<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
4<#assign classNameLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ClassNameLocalService")> 
5<#assign groupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")> 
6<#assign globalGroup = groupLocalService.getFriendlyURLGroup(companyId, "/global")> 
7<#assign destMacroClassId = classNameLocalService.getClassNameId("com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry")> 
8<#include "_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_/${companyId}/${globalGroup.groupId}/${destMacroClassId}/ASSET_ENTRY_MACROS" /> 
10<#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(articleGroupId), .vars['reserved-article-id'].data)> 
11<#assign asset = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry('com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle', article.resourcePrimKey)> 
13<#assign assetGroup = groupLocalService.getGroup(asset.getGroupId())> 
15<#assign publicationDate = article.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("publicationDate")> 
17<#if publicationDate??> 
18    <#assign date_day = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "dd", locale)> 
19    <#assign date_month = dateUtil.getDate(publicationDate, "MMM", locale)> 
22<div class="col-lg-12 col-xs-12 row border-bottom row pb-5 mb-5 event-row news-row"> 
23    <div class="col-lg-1 col-xs-3 date-circle"> 
24        <div> 
25            <span class="event-date-day">${date_day!"0"}</span> 
26            <#if locale.getLanguage() == "ar"> 
27                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month?upperCase> 
28            <#elseIf locale.getLanguage() == "fr" && date_month == "juil."> 
29            <#-- Special case requested by Frederic --> 
30                <#assign monthAbbr = "JLT"> 
31            <#else> 
32                <#assign monthAbbr = date_month[0..2]?upperCase> 
33            </#if> 
34            <span class="event-date-month">${monthAbbr}</span> 
35        </div> 
36    </div> 
38    <div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-9 event-content"> 
39        <p class="event-title"> 
40            ${news_title.getData()} 
41        </p> 
43        <@getAdminMenu asset /> 
45        <small class="event-row-categories d-block text-uppercase languages"> 
46            <#assign langList = {}> 
47            <#assign displayLangList = false> 
49            <#list article.getAvailableLanguageIds() as articleLangCode> 
50                <#assign articleLocale = localeUtil.fromLanguageId(articleLangCode)> 
52                <#assign localizedUrl = 
53                        "/" + articleLocale.getLanguage()?lowerCase + ifadAssetEntryUtil.getURLViewInContext(asset.getAssetRenderer(), assetGroup, article,  articleLocale)> 
55                <#assign langList = langList + {"${articleLocale.getDisplayLanguage()}": "${localizedUrl}"}> 
56            </#list> 
58            <span><@liferay.language key="languages" /></span>: 
60            <#list langList as langName, localizedUrl> 
61                <a href="${localizedUrl}">${langName}${langName?hasNext?then(', ','')}</a> 
62            </#list> 
63        </small> 
64    </div> 
25 अप्

Urgent investment in rural areas is needed to safeguard global food security says UN’s IFAD

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
20 अप्

Japan and UN’s IFAD boost global food security by connecting small-scale producers to the private sector

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Japanese
19 अप्

IFAD at the Perugia International Journalism Festival

भाषाएँ: English, Italian
18 अप्

IFAD President Alvaro Lario meets Minister Tetsuro Nomura and joins the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan

भाषाएँ: English
05 अप्

IFAD issues first sustainable bond in euros to Germany’s HPK and others, increasing investments to alleviate rural poverty and hunger

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
31 मार

10 000 productores rurales ecuatorianos transformarán sus medios de vida gracias a un proyecto de USD 30 millones apoyado por el FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
28 मार

IFAD and Burundi sign US$3 million grant to help cushion small-scale farmers from continued impacts of Ukraine crisis

भाषाएँ: English, French
28 मार

IFAD officials to meet government authorities and small-scale farmers in Angola

भाषाएँ: English, Portuguese
28 मार

The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable food systems

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
27 मार

IFAD loan of 5 million euros to Mauritania to help strengthen the resilience of marginalized rural populations

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
21 मार

“There is no food security without water security,” says IFAD executive in plea to increase investments in water solutions for small-scale farmers

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 मार

YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA

भाषाएँ: Spanish
16 मार

Álvaro Lario, Presidente del FIDA: “España puede convertirse en un líder mundial en la lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza en un momento crucial”

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
15 मार

UN Agency IFAD becomes a voting member of the ICMA principles, providing investors with another reason to bank on rural development

भाषाएँ: English
13 मार

‘Don’t give up on Niger’ - Ambassador Cindy Mccain, calls for increased donor support amidst growing food insecurity

भाषाएँ: English, French
08 मार

Time to step up investments in rural communities on the frontline of climate change in the Pacific islands

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
08 मार

International Women’s Day 2023: Bridging the digital gender divide is essential for unleashing women’s potential in rural areas, say UN food and agriculture agencies

भाषाएँ: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
02 मार

IFAD, the UN’s rural development agency, and India deepen shared commitment to build resilient rural livelihoods

भाषाएँ: English


Media contacts

असेट प्रकाशक

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]